注意:前两个饮食方式 , 在制造热量缺口的同时 , 还有助于维持自身代谢水平不过分降低 , 间歇性禁食则偏重于更容易的制造热量缺口 , 但对于基础代谢的影响暂无过多研究 。
此外 , 本文的重点为饮食方面 , 并未提到力量训练方面 , 但你仍需知道 , 减脂期增加力量训练 , 会更容易的让你保存肌肉 , 保持高的基础代谢 , 也让你更容易减脂成功 。
好啦 , 今天Max关于3种减脂期的饮食方式就分享到这里 , 如果你觉得Max讲的不错 , 记得帮我点赞 , 评论和转发 , 让更多的人科学健身!
我是Max , 一个接地气又有深度的健身作者!
- Structure, function, and regulation of adrenergic receptors.
- Adaptive thermogenesis, which represents in this case the decrease in energy expenditure (EE) beyond what could be predicted from the changes in fat mass or fat-free mass.
- A fall in leptin acts through the hypothalamus to increase appetite, decrease energy expenditure, and modify neuroendocrine function in a direction that favors survival.
- IECR is superior to DER with respect to improved insulin sensitivity and body fat reduction.
- The lower-carbohydrate arm showed decreased fasting insulin" "and increased insulin sensitivity.
- Testosterone concentrations" "were consistently higher after ten days on a high carbohydrate diet" "cortisol concentrations were consistently lower during the high carbohydrate diet.
- Adaptive thermogenesis” creates the ideal situation for weight regain and is operant in both lean and obese individuals attempting to sustain reduced body weights.
- 大雪时节的饮食调理:三白三雪三肉
- 常见|菜市场常见的3种食物,每天吃一些,补钙补血,好吃又便宜!
- 美容|想长寿全靠吃,不妨多吃3种食物,美容养生、提高免疫力!
- 排毒|会吃的人更健康,每天多吃3种食物,排毒养颜,提高免疫力!
- 增强体质|每天可以坚持吃3种食物,补充营养、增强体质,早吃早受益!
- 提醒:不想尿酸升高,除了海鲜,以下3种食物最好也要少吃
- 煎炸油|甲状腺出问题饮食如何调理?送你7大饮食忠告
- 补益|人到中年想长寿,要坚持吃3种食物,营养丰富,补益身体!
- 长寿|想长寿先排毒,常吃3种食物,养颜美容,滋润皮肤,保持身材
- 延缓|聪明人都在吃3种食物,营养丰富、延缓衰老,谁吃谁受益!