北京联盟_本文原题:TED励志短片:别再浪费你的时间了 , 虽然我们无法不变老!
虽然我们都能感知到“时间的流逝” , 但却始终无法确定“时间”究竟是什么?唯一能确定的是 , “时间”确实在一点点地失去 , 并且不可逆转 。 人的一生“时间”并不多 , 请珍惜你的时间!
The one commodity that is most valuable on this earth is time.
世界上最有价值的东西就是时间了 。
Time to love, time to live. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying.
时间让我们可以去爱去活着 。 人从出生的那一刻起 , 就开始迈向死亡了 。
I don't think you, you quite caught that. Let me say it again. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying.
你可能还不懂这句话的意义 。 再说一次 , 人从出生的那一刻起 , 就开始迈向死亡了 。
Some happen faster, some happen slower, some of us help them go faster,
有时死亡来得早 , 有时来得慢 , 有时有人会主动加快这个过程 ,
and some of them prevent it from happening sooner than later.
而有的人则会努力防止它来得太早 。
How many seconds how many minutes do we waste every day doing things,
我们每天会浪费多少分、多少秒 , 在无关紧要的事情上?
that are nowhere near the goals, and aspiration and passion that we have inside?
而这些无关紧要的事 , 与我们内在的志向、目标、热情毫不相干 。
How many times you go through the course of a day and realize:
你有多少次过完一整天后 , 才惊讶地发现:
did I do anything I set out to do today? Write down those goals each and every day.
我做了今天本来计划要做的事吗?写下你每天的目标 。
No matter if there’s two goals a day.
就算只有两个目标也没关系 ,
If you can accomplish those then you're doing more than just making it through the day.
只要你能把它们完成 , 就比你什么都没做就过了一天更好 。
You are living and achieving your dreams. Find time to better yourself.
你活着就要为了实现你的梦想而努力 。 花时间成为那个更好的自己 。
Read, explore, research, live life do things, you've never thought of doing before. That's what it's all about.
阅读、探索世界、享受人生 , 去挑战那些你从未经历过的事情 。 那才是生命该有的样子 。
When you're born that's that date, that they put on the left side of the tombstone.
你出生时的日期 , 会被刻在你墓碑的左侧 。
When you die they put another date on the right side of the tombstone.
而当你死后 , 死亡的日期就会被刻在你墓碑的右侧 。
But that dash in the middle is the most important thing on that tombstone.
但这两个日期之间的“破折号” , 才是这个墓碑中最重要的事 。
That is a line that throughout that entire time frame.
这条线就代表了你的一生 。
You were able to impact and touch others lives. You were able to leave your mark on this earth.
你曾有机会影响他人、改变他人生命 。 你曾有机会在地球上留下你的印记 。
You were able to build a legacy that nobody could change.
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