thatTED励志短片:别再浪费你的时间了,虽然我们无法不变老!( 二 )
你曾有机会在这个世界上留下一段仅属于你的传奇 。
You were able to have it to where people remember who you are no matter what.
你曾有机会让自己因某种原因使所有人都将你铭记 。
When you're living for that dash in the middle, you're going to remember your why.
当你活在生命的破折号中时 , 去找出自己活在世上的那个“为什么”吧 。
Your why, why you're here, not the why, why did you do something, your why.
那个你为何会存在于世上的为什么 , 而不是那个为何要做某些事的为什么 。
Your reason for getting up in the morning.
Your reason for pushing yourself past the brink of exertion and giving up.
是什么让你永不言弃 , 即便过程艰辛无比?
Your reason for moving on and getting things done in life.
是什么让你不断向前 , 不断克服生命中大大小小的困难?
That dash in the middle that's the thing that pushes you.
生死之间的“破折号”应是推你向前的动力 。
How do you rate yourself on a scale of one to ten in terms of your physical appearance?
从一到十分 , 满分十分 , 你给自己的外貌打几分?
In terms of your health? Do you take care of yourself? Are you allowing yourself to get overweight and out of shape?
Are you conscious of your health? Are you watching the food that you take into your body?
你有重视自己的健康吗?吃东西时 , 你有留意自己吃进去的是什么吗?
Do you make a deliberate effort to exercise?
你有计划性地锻炼 , 训练自己的身体吗?
You know it was George Burns, he said we can't help getting older but we don't have to get old.
乔治·伯恩斯说过 , 虽然我们无法不变老 , 但我们并不是一定要变老 。
And many of us get old before our time because we don't take time to take care of ourselves.
我们之中很多人在年轻时就开始变老了 , 因为我们没有花时间照顾自己 。
Your environment is a very good indicator on a scale of one to ten, is it what you want it to be?
你所处的环境就是非常好的指标 , 满分十分 , 现在这个状态是你想要的吗?
Do you find it desirable? Are you satisfied?
The job or career that you're involved in someone said that 85% of the American public are unhappy with their jobs.
你所做的工作让你开心吗?有人说85%的美国人都在做让自己不快乐的工作 。
Are you spending eight hours a day just doing time?
你有每天至少花八小时工作 , 但却感觉像在坐牢一样吗?
Doing something that you don't find challenging, that does not make you stretch mentally,
是不是仅仅在做一些没有挑战 , 无法让自己全力以赴 ,
that does not stimulate you, that does not inspire you, something that you don't find a sense of fulfillment in it?
无法让自己兴奋 , 无法激励自己 , 根本没有任何成就感的工作?
If you're doing that day in and day out, it has to affect how you feel about yourself, your level of motivation, your relationships.
如果你就这样一天天的得过且过 , 它一定会对你的自我价值、内在驱动力以及人际关系造成负面的影响 。
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