

1、He________from school for a long time.
Ahas left Bhas been away
Cdid leave Dwill leave
2、It's cold here.You'd better________your coat.
Aput on Bto wear
Cnot to take off Dnot wear
3、—What________a farmer________?
—A farner________rice,fruit,flowers and so on.
Adoes;do;grows Bdo;do;is growing
Cis;doing;is growing Dis;doing;grows
4、He has finished reading the story book.When________he________to read it,do you know ?
Adid;began Bdid;begin
Chas;begun Dhad;begun
5、It________7 hours to go to Nanning by train.
Ais taking Bare going to take
Ctakes Dhas taken
6、It________3 years since his grandma________.
Ais;died Bis;has died
Cwas;died Dis;has been dead
7、Please be careful in the lab, ________you ?
Awill Bwon't
Cdon't Ddo
8、Father________when I________yesterday morning.
Astill slept; got up Bis sleeping;got up
Cwas still sellping;got up Dsleeps;get up
9、Kate________to bed until her mother________back.
Awon't go;come Bhadn't gone;came
Cwent;came Ddidn't go;came
10、Who________into the library while Miss Yang and Meimei________ ?
Awas coming;talked Bcame;were talking
Ccomes;is talking Dcame;talked
二、用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空 , 注意前后时态的呼应
Mrs Anne Sterling did not know it_1_(be) dangerous when she_2_(run)through the forest (森林)after two men. They_3_(rush)up to her while she_4_(have) a picnic near the forest with her children. They_5_(try)to steal (偷)her handbag. In the fight, the trap(带子)broke an both men_6_(start)running through the trees. Mrs Sterling_7_(get) so angry that she_8_(run)after them. When she _9_(catch)up with them.she_10_(see) that they_11_(sit) down and_12_(look) into the bag to see what was in it ,so she_13_(run )straight at them. The men_14_(get)such a fright(害怕)that they_15_(drop) the bag and_16_(run)away."The trap_17_(need) mending," said Mrs Sterling later,"but they_18 (not steal)anything."
The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.I_19_(like)sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons. It_20_(be)warm last Sunday, so I_21_ (go)and_22_ (sit)on the river bank as usual. Some children_23_(play) games on the bank and there_24_(be)some people rowing boats on the river. Suddenly, one of the children_25_ (kick)th ball very hard and it_26_(go)towards a passing boat. Some people on the bank_27_ (call)out to the man in the boat ,but he_28 (not hear)them. The ball_29_(hit) him so hard that he nearly_30_(fall) into the water.I_31_(turn)to look at the children ,but there_32_(be not)any in sight (看得见):they _33_(run)away! The man_34_(laugh) when he_35_(know) what_36_(happen).He_37_(call)out to the children and_38_ (throw) the ball back to the bank.
