
疫情肆虐 , 人命关天 。 病毒是人类的共同敌人 , 全世界都应该携手共同应对疫情挑战 。 然而以美国为代表的西方一些政客和媒体不把精力放在抗击疫情上面 , 却费劲心机甩锅中国 , 编造了各种匪夷所思的谎言 。 一时间 , 谎言、谣传和阴谋论甚嚣尘上 。 来看看新冠肺炎疫情中关于中国的18个最常见谣言和事实真相 。
With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting different parts of the world, the virus has become the common enemy of mankind. The world should stand in solidarity to combat the pandemic. However, some Western politicians and media, especially those from the United States, came up with groundless lies. Disinformation, rumors and conspiracy theories about China were making a great clamor. Here are the 18 most common allegations against China and the corresponding facts.

谣言1: 中国是病毒源头 , 新冠病毒是‘中国病毒’
真相:新冠病毒源头尚未确定 , 病毒命名不得与特定国家相联系
Allegation No.1: China is the origin of COVID-19. It is the Chinese virus.
Fact: The origin of COVID-19 remains uncertain. The name of a virus should not be associated with specific countries or regions.
新冠病毒源自何处 , 这是一个严肃的科学问题 , 应由科学家而非政治家来解答 。 历史上最初病例的报告地往往不是病毒来源地 。 医学期刊《国际抗菌剂杂志》刊文称新冠病毒2019年12月底已在法国传播 , 且该病例与中国缺乏关联 。 世卫组织指出 , 各国科研人员正在努力寻找新冠病毒来源 , 因此新冠病毒最先出现在哪里尚没有定论 , 有多种可能 。
The origin of COVID-19 is a scientific issue which should be determined by scientists instead of politicians. Where the disease was first reported in history was often not the place it originated. The article in the medical journal International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents says that COVID-19 was already spreading in France in late December 2019, and the case is not related to China. WHO points out that scientists are still researching the origin of the virus. It remains unclear where COVID-19 first appeared.
关于病毒命名,世卫组织早在2015年就出台人类传染病和病原体命名相关建议 , 指出应避免使用地名、国名和人物、动物名称及可能引发恐慌的概念 。 今年2月 , 世卫组织宣布将新冠肺炎正式命名为2019冠状病毒病(COVID—19) 。 许多西方主流媒体报道 , 由于将亚裔群体与新冠病毒不当关联 , 美国亚裔面临严重排外情绪 , 屡屡受到种族歧视的骚扰和攻击 。 英国《自然》期刊4月连发三次社论 , 对错误地将新冠病毒与武汉和中国关联在一起道歉 , 呼吁立即停止新冠病毒污名化 , 避免将病毒与特定位置相关联的不负责任行为 。
As for naming new human diseases and viruses, WHO guidelines advise against including geographic locations and cultural/population references in the disease name. In February 2020, WHO announced the official names of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes – SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. According to some Western media reports, anti-Asian racism is on the rise due to the improper correlation between the virus and the Asians in the US. British journal Nature published three editorials in April, apologizing for falsely relating the virus to China and Wuhan. The magazine stands against COVID-19 stigmatization and irresponsible actions that associate viruses with specific locations.
谣言2: 新冠病毒系武汉病毒研究所人为制造
真相:所有现有证据表明 , 新冠病毒源于自然而非人为制造
Allegation No.2: COVID-19 is man-made at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab.
Fact: All scientific evidence indicates that the COVID-19 originates in nature rather than man-made.
病毒人造论遭到了国际权威机构及多数病毒学、免疫学领域学者的批驳 。 《柳叶刀》《自然·医学》等权威学术期刊都先后发文强调病毒源于自然 。 5月1日 , 世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安表示 , 已有许多科学家研究了新冠肺炎病毒基因序列 , 确信新冠肺炎病毒来自自然界 。 法国免疫学家、新冠疫情科学委员会负责人让-弗朗索瓦·德尔弗雷西表示 , 新冠病毒源自实验室的假设是一种不属于真正科学范畴的阴谋论观点 。
The idea that the SARS-CoV-2 is man-made has been criticized by international agencies and scholars specialized in virology and immunology. Science journals, such as The Lancet and Nature Medicine, published articles proving SARS-CoV-2 is natural in origin. On May 1, Dr Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, said they have listened to numerous scientists who've looked at the sequences and they were assured that this virus is natural in origin. The hypothesis that the virus was created in a Wuhan lab is a conspiracy vision that does not relate to the real science, said Jean-Francois Delfraissy, a French immunologist and head of the scientific council that advises the government on the COVID-19 pandemic.
