走上伦敦街头,向歧视说不!这是留英女孩的“一次疫情,两种战斗”( 四 )


我们一直在拍摄纪录片 , 讲述中国留学生在海外是如何艰难抗击新冠病毒和种族主义 。 病毒可以阻止我们走出家门 , 但我们一直在行动 , 提升人们的种族平等意识 。

We had been shooting documentaries about how tough it could be for Chinese studying abroad to fight against COVID-19 and racism. The virus can stop us from going out, but nothing can stop us from raising people’s awareness of racial equality.

我和就读于英国不同大学的几名学生也在开展一项阅读活动 , 名为“种族主义与疾病” , 致力于收集相关主题的期刊和学术文章 , 并为它们撰写中英文摘要 。

I and several other students from universities around the UK are now working on a reading list project named “Racism and Disease” which aims to gather and collate journalistic and academic articles related to the topic and write English and Chinese abstracts for them.

我认为我们有充分的理由希望世界成为一个更安全的地方 , 在这里人人平等——作为人类 , 而非病毒 。

I think we have every reason to hope that the world will become a safer place in which people are treated equally, as humans and not a virus.

战胜新冠疫情尚需时日 , 但无论这一天何时到来 , 我希望人们能从疫情中学到 , 不论年龄、性别、种族、宗教、国籍或是其他任何社会和个人特征 , 我们每个人都应该有尊严被尊重 。

It may take some time to conquer the COVID-19 pandemic, but whenever that day comes I do hope that one lesson many people can learn from it is that regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or any other social or personal characteristics, we all have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.


A virus war fought on two fronts

英国留学生战“疫”日记 一次疫情 两种战斗

I’ve received a lot of phone calls and messages from my families and friends lately concerned about how I am and asking if I’m planning to return to China soon. I’m doing a master’s degree in Media and Communications at the London School of Economics, and I’m determined to stay here until summer. That may seem like a silly decision for most of people, but I have work to finish here and other obligations to fulfil.

近期许多家人和朋友给我打电话发信息 , 关心我的状况 , 询问我是否计划回国 。 我正在攻读硕士学位 , 就读于伦敦政治经济学院媒体与传播专业 , 我决定要在这里待到夏天 。 对多数人来说 , 这一决定似乎不理智 , 但我还有许多工作必须完成 , 很多责任必须担负 。

Nearly 100,000 people have been confirmed to have COVID-19 in Britain. The British government’s response has included a nationwide order for people to stay at home, for universities to shut down, flight to be cancelled and bans on travel.

在英国 , 已经有接近十万人确诊新冠肺炎 。 英国政府为了应对疫情 , 在全国范围内要求居家隔离、大学停学、航班停运、严禁旅游 。

In the UK the real fight against the virus seems to have begun only about five or six weeks ago, but I’ve been engaged in it for more than 10 weeks.
