复习|人教版高三年级高考复习同步检测之语法知识点特殊句式含答案( 四 )

8.—Why wasn't John hired for the job?
—I don't know , but he should have been.
9.Johnny wanted to ride his new bicycle in the street , but his mother told him not to.
10.The birth planning policy allows my parents to have a second child because of my disability , but to look after me , they chose not to.
答案 1.I haven't seen you for ages.
2.I am happy if you are happy.
3.I meant to write to you , but forgot to write_to_you.
4.They are going abroad soon , but I don't know when they_are_going_abroad.
5.—When did you come back last night?
—It was not until 11 o'clock when the party ended that_I_came_back.
6.When he_was asked about his school life , Tim thought it colorful.
7.Unless the_pupils_are asked to answer questions , the pupils won't talk in Mrs Smith's class.
8.—Why wasn't John hired for the job?
—I don't know , but he should have been hired.
9.Johnny wanted to ride his new bicycle in the street , but his mother told him not to ride.
10.The birth planning policy allows my parents to have a second child because of my disability , but to look after me , they chose not to have_a_second_child.
三 .根据上下文和括号中的提示 , 用正确的特殊句式完成句子
Nowadays , lots of children in rural areas can't live together with their parents working in other paces.On the whole , several factors result in the problem.Firstly , some parents1.________(强调谓语动词:的确担心) that it will influence their work if they really take the children along with them.Secondly,2.________(倒装:生活成本和教育费用如此高) in the place where parents work that they can't afford them.
In my opinion,3.________(强调句:父母和政府应为这个问题负责).Besides , whatever difficulty we are faced with , we should take effective measures to solve the problem.
答案 1.do worry 2.so high are the living costs and education fees 3.it's the parents and government that are responsible for the problem
1.只有用这种方法 , 你才能学好英语 。
________________________ you learn English well.
2.我从来没见过这样的人 。
Never ________________________ such a man.
3.他刚到家 , 电话就响了 。
Hardly ________________________ the telephone rang.
4.不仅老师自己对足球感兴趣 , 而且他的所有学生也开始对足球感兴趣了 。
Not only ________________________ interested in football , but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.
5.如果你不去 , 我也不去了 。
If you don't go , ________________________.
答案 1.Only in this way can 2.have I seen 3.had he arrived home when 4.is the teacher himself 5.neither/nor shall I
1.只有当他说出那个字后 , 他才意识到自己犯了个大错误 。
