有哪些国外艺术家的网站( 二 )
德国雕塑家 Isa Genzken 的展览信息介绍,非常详尽。
当然你也可以再了解到艺术家的名字后,直接通过谷歌寻找他的个人网站。图为工作在德国的卡塞尔美术学院实验影像教授、瑞典裔艺术家BJ?RN MELHUS的主页。不需要展览,不需要门票,一台电脑,一根网线,你就可以看到非常先锋的影像艺术资料。简直不要更简单。通过这个网站,你可以搜集到很多国外活跃艺术家的信息。
国外年老的都知道的不多,年轻的有多少搞架上的?油画我就收藏了一个,Gottfried Helnwein,雕塑倒也有一个Sculpt-Fx.com
Artsy - Discover, Research, and Collect the World\u0026#39;s Best Art OnlineOnline resource for art collecting, education.
It’s also a great place for buying work of art and scheduling new art exhibitions.
Btw, if my memory serves right, its newest estimated value is approximately 300 million dollars.
BLOUIN ARTINFO | The Premier Global Online Destination for Art and CulturePreeminent global source for up-to-the-minute news, information, and expert commentary on art, artists, and the business.
Buy, Sell, and Research Contemporary Art Online: artnetThe same as the first one.
“The trouble is, once you accept the proposition that popularity corresponds to value, the game is over for the performing arts. There is no longer any justification for giving space to classical music, jazz, dance, or any other artistic activity that fails to ignite mass enthusiasm. In a cultural-Darwinist world where only the buzziest survive, the arts section would consist solely of superhero-movie reviews, TV-show recaps, and instant-reaction think pieces about pop superstars. Never mind that such entities hardly need the publicity, having achieved market saturation through social media. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a tax cut for the super-rich.”
The MPI微信艺术公众号的每天艺术日志分享 都是筛选过的国外emerging艺术家作品
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