
今日份精选的温柔句子 , 霸气超酷 , 总有一句你会喜欢
走自己的路 , 不被别人的舌头压垮 , 做自己的决定 , 按自己的条件做每一件事 , 只要问心无愧地做就行 。整天担心别人对你的看法 , 无非是说你在这个世界上没有做错什么 , 但你对别人来说是个麻烦 。坚持你想做的事 , 直到你成功 。
Go your own way, don't be overwhelmed by others' tongues, make your own decisions, and do everything on your own terms, as long as you do it with a clear conscience Worrying about what others think of you all day is nothing more than saying that you have done nothing wrong in this world, but you are a trouble to others Stick to what you want to do until you succeed
我是那个说它会结束的人 , 但我不是那个希望它结束的人 。


I'm the one who said it would end, but I'm not the one who wants it to end
淹没在浪漫中的爱情就像一个酸甜可口的小柠檬 。
Love submerged in romance is like a sweet and sour little lemon
有的人过后最美 , 但有的人爱过后却很纯洁

Some people are the most beautiful in the future, but some people are pure after love
这条路并不遥远 , 我们看不到尽头 , 但我们担心两个世界不能画一个圆 。
This road is not far away, and we can't see the end, but we are worried that the two worlds can't draw a circle
我不怕千百万人阻挡我的道路 , 只怕我自己投降 。

I'm not afraid of millions of people blocking my path, but I'm afraid of surrendering myself
告诉别人你爱他们并不总是为了留在一起 , 但在将来 , 当你感到灰心时 , 你希望有人记得他们爱你 。在我陪你走完这条路之后 , 我将成为你走的路 , 之后 , 那群人就再也不会回来了 。
【又酷又霸气的短句语录?温柔带点酷的短句】Telling others that you love them is not always to stay together, but in the future, when you feel discouraged, you want someone to remember that they love you After I accompany you through this road, I will be your road, and after that, those people will never come back
