数汇财经“华尔街之王”的25条工作和生活原则( 三 )

14. Never get complacent. Nothing is forever. Whether it is an individual or a business, your competition will defeat you if you are not constantly seeking ways to reinvent and improve yourself. Organizations, especially, are more fragile than you think.
永远不要骄傲自满 。 没有什么是一成不变的 。 无论是个人还是企业 , 如果不经常寻求自我重塑和自我改进的方法 , 就会被竞争对手打败 。 尤其是组织 , 因为组织比想象中更脆弱 。

15. Sales rarely get made on the first pitch. Just because you believe in something doesn’t mean everyone else will. You need to be able to sell your vision with conviction over and over again. Most people don’t like change, so you need to be able to convince them why they should accept it. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.
极少有人能在首次推介中完成销售 。 仅仅因为你对一些事物有信念 , 并不意味着其他人也愿意接受 。 你需要能够一次又一次坚定地推销你的愿景 。 大多数人不喜欢改变 , 所以你需要说服他们为什么要接受改变 。 不要因为畏惧而不去争取自己想得到的东西 。
16. If you see a huge, transformative opportunity, don’t worry that no one else is pursuing it. You might be seeing something others don’t. The harder the problem is, the more limited the competition, and the greater the reward for whomever can solve it.
如果你看到一个巨大的变革性机会 , 不要疑虑其他人为什么没有采取行动 。 你可能看到了他人没有看到的东西 。 问题越严峻 , 竞争就越有限 , 对问题解决者的回报就越大 。
17. Success comes down to rare moments of opportunity. Be open, alert, and ready to seize them. Gather the right people and resources; then commit. If you’re not prepared to apply that kind of effort, either the opportunity isn’t as compelling as you think or you are not the right person to pursue it.
归根到底 , 成功就是抓住了寥寥可数的机遇 。 要始终保持开放的思维 , 冷静观察 , 高度警觉 , 随时准备抓住机会 。 要统筹合适的人力和其他资源 , 然后全力以赴 。 如果你没有准备好拼尽全力 , 要么是因为这个机会没有你想象的那么有吸引力 , 要么是因为你不是把握这一机遇的合适人选 。
18. Time wounds all deals, sometimes even fatally. Often the longer you wait, the more surprises await you. In tough negotiations especially, keep everyone at the table long enough to reach an agreement.
时间会对所有交易造成负面影响 , 有时甚至产生致命影响 。 一般情况下 , 等待的时间越久 , 意料之外的事情就越多 。 特别是在艰难的谈判中 , 要让所有人都在谈判桌上协商足够长的时间 , 以此达成协议 。
19. Don’t lose money!!! Objectively assess the risks of every opportunity.
不要赔钱!!!客观地评估每个机会的风险 。
20. Make decisions when you are ready, not under pressure. Others will always push you to make a decision for their own purposes, internal politics, or some other external need. But you can almost always say, “I think I need a little more time to think about this. I’ll get back to you.” This tactic is very effective at defusing even the most difficult and uncomfortable situations.
