数汇财经“华尔街之王”的25条工作和生活原则( 二 )
6. Information is the most important asset in business. The more you know, the more perspectives you have, and the more likely you are to spot patterns and anomalies before your competition. So always be open to new inputs, whether they are people, experiences, or knowledge.
信息是最重要的商业资产 。 掌握得越多 , 拥有的视角就越多 , 在竞争对手面前就越有可能发现常规模式和异常现象 。 所以要始终对进入企业的新鲜事物保持开放的态度 , 无论是新的人、新的经验 , 还是新的知识 。
7. When you’re young, only take a job that provides you with a steep learning curve and strong training. First jobs are foundational. Don’t take a job just because it seems prestigious.
在年轻的时候 , 请接受能为自己提供陡峭的学习曲线和艰苦的磨炼机会的工作 。 最初的工作是为人生打基础的 , 不要为了暂时的声望而轻易地接受一份工作 。
8. When presenting yourself, remember that impressions matter. The whole picture has to be right. Others will be watching for all sorts of clues and cues that tell who you are. Be on time. Be authentic. Be prepared.
在展示自己时 , 请记住 , 印象非常重要 。 整体形象必须毫无瑕疵 。 其他人会通过各种线索和端倪 , 判断你的真实面貌 。 所以 , 要重诺守时 , 要真实诚信 , 要准备充分 。
9. No one person, however smart, can solve every problem. But an army of smart people talking openly with one another will.
再聪明的人也不能解决所有问题 。 聪明人组成的开诚布公的团队却可以无往而不利 。
10. People in a tough spot often focus on their own problems, when the answer usually lies in fixing someone else’s.
处于困境中的人往往只关注自己的问题 , 而解决问题的途径通常在于你如何解决别人的问题 。
11. Believe in something greater than yourself and your personal needs. It can be your company, your country, or a duty for service. Any challenge you tackle that is inspired by your beliefs and core values will be worth it, regardless of whether you succeed or fail.
一个人的信念必须超越自我和个人需求 , 它可以是自己的公司、祖国或服役义务 。 任何因信念和核心价值观的激励而选择的挑战都是值得的 , 无论最终的结果是成功还是失败 。
12. Never deviate from your sense of right and wrong. Your integrity must be unquestionable. It is easy to do what’s right when you don’t have to write a check or suffer any consequences. It’s harder when you have to give something up. Always do what you say you will, and never mislead anyone for your own advantage.
永远要黑白分明、百折不回 。 你的诚信必须要毋庸置疑 。 当一个人不需要付出代价或承担后果的时候 , 坚持做正确的事情并非难事 。 但当必须得放弃一些东西时 , 你就很难保持信用记录 。 要始终言而有信 , 不要为了自己的利益误导任何人 。
13. Be bold. Successful entrepreneurs, managers, and individuals have the confidence and courage to act when the moment seems right. They accept risk when others are cautious and take action when everyone else is frozen, but they do so smartly. This trait is the mark of a leader.
要勇往直前 。 成功的企业家、经理和个人都是具有志在必得的气魄和一往无前的精神的人 。 他们会在恰当的时刻当仁不让 。 当其他人谨小慎微时 , 他们会接受风险;当其他人瞻前顾后时 , 他们会采取行动 , 但他们会选择明智的做法 。 这种特质是领导者的标志 。
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