美国为什么一直针对中国?英国学者分析得太透彻!( 二 )

与此同时 , 中国在这期间的情况完全不同 。Meanwhile, China has been ina completely different situation during this period.中国当然受到了这次危机的影响 , 但基本上中国继续以和之前差不多的速度增长 。I mean, China was of course affected by it, but basically China continues to growat more or less the same rate, as it had before.到了2014年 , 根据世界银行的衡量标准 , 按购买力平价方法计算 , 中国的国内生产总值赶超美国 。 这一时期 , 按年计算 , 中国在全球经济增长总额当中占三分之一 。 可以看到 , 双方的发展出现差异 。And by 2014, extraordinarily, China overtook the United States in terms of GDP, primary purchasing power, according to this measure from the World Bank. China by this time also, on an annual basis, was accounting for one third of global economic growth.So you see, there""""s a chasm in experience.美国为什么一直针对中国?英国学者分析得太透彻!
还有一些其他方面的问题不能不提 , 那就是政治 。But there was something else we must add to this picture. And that was,remember, politics.西方本以为金融危机会在中国发生 , 但它却在西方发生了 。 西方本以为政治危机会在中国发生 , 但它也在西方发生了 。The economic crisis was expected by the West to happen in China - ithappened in the West. The political crisis was expected by the West to happen in China - it happened in the West.不满的声音越来越多 , 特别是美国和其他地方的传统劳动阶层群体 。 随之而来的是民粹主义的兴起 。 这是一个非常重要的时刻 , 对西方的经济和政治形势产生极大影响 。And you got the rise of growing dissatisfaction, particularly amongsttraditional working class people and so on in the States and elsewhere. And therise of what we came to know, as populism. So this was a really importantmoment, which began to undermine the situation in the West, both economicallyand politically.美国为什么一直针对中国?英国学者分析得太透彻!
结果是 , 西方政府 , 但不仅仅局限于政府圈 , 对来自中国的“挑战” , 越来越感到焦虑 。 这个自1972年以来的合作伙伴渐渐被视为一种威胁 。And with the consequence that there was also a growing anxiety in the West, and particularly in governing circles, but not only in governing circles, about the challenge of China, the partner as it were since 1972, was seen increasingly as a threat.焦虑与日俱增 , 结果就是对中国的敌意越来越大 。 最终 , 对中国的敌意在2016年特朗普当选美国总统后达到了高潮 。There was growing anxiety; there was growing hostility towards China as a result of this. And eventually, of course, this culminates in the election of Trump in 2016, as American president.美国人为什么不能容忍中国崛起美国为什么不能容忍中国崛起?为什么它把中国崛起直接解读为中国威胁?Now, why couldn""""t America tolerate the rise of China? Why does it immediately translate China""""s rise into the China threat?要解答这个问题 , 我们必须要了解一个帝国主义大国的心理 , 尤其是美国 。And here, we have to, I think, understand the psychology of an imperial power, and the United States in particular.美国在一个相当长的历史时期 , 几个世纪以来 , 一直保持着一种上升的势头 。 从1945年开始 , 他们一直拥有压倒性的全球霸权 。You see, the Americans are extraordinarily over a very long historical period, centuries, have always been on the rise. And since 1945, they""""ve been overwhelmingly global hegemonic.美国天下第一 , 这是刻在一些美国人骨子里的一种想法 。 不仅仅是总统和国会议员这么想 , 许多普通美国人也对此深信不疑 。The idea that America is number one is part of the American DNA.It""""s not just the presidents and the congressmen and so on who believe this. This is deeply imbued, I think, in the average Americans.
