
据国家卫生健康委员会官方网站消息 , 5月4日0—24时 , 31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例1例 , 为境外输入病例(在上海);无新增死亡病例;无新增疑似病例 。
Chinese health authority said Tuesday that no new domestically transmitted cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were reported on the Chinese mainland for Monday.
One confirmed case arriving from overseas was reported in Shanghai Monday, the National Health Commission said in its daily report Tuesday.
No new suspected case or deaths related to the disease were reported, according to the commission.
当日新增治愈出院病例87例 , 解除医学观察的密切接触者710人 , 重症病例减少4例 。
【[新疆]最新:新增确诊1例,为境外输入病例】Eighty-seven patients of COVID-19 were discharged from hospitals after recovery Monday on the Chinese mainland.
境外输入现有确诊病例325例(含重症病例5例) , 现有疑似病例2例 。 累计确诊病例1676例 , 累计治愈出院病例1351例 , 无死亡病例 。
Of the total imported cases, 1,351 had been discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 325 remained hospitalized with five in severe conditions, the commission said.
No deaths had been reported from the imported cases.
截至5月4日24时 , 据31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告 , 现有确诊病例395例(其中重症病例29例) , 累计治愈出院病例77853例 , 累计死亡病例4633例 , 累计报告确诊病例82881例 , 现有疑似病例2例 。 累计追踪到密切接触者735240人 , 尚在医学观察的密切接触者7152人 。
Altogether 77,853 patients had been discharged from hospitals after recovery by the end of Monday.
As of Monday, 82,881 confirmed COVID-19 cases had been reported on the mainland, and 4,633 people had died of the disease.
31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增无症状感染者15例(无境外输入);当日无转为确诊病例;当日解除医学观察30例(境外输入4例);尚在医学观察无症状感染者947例(境外输入94例) 。
累计收到港澳台地区通报确诊病例1523例 。 其中 , 香港特别行政区1040例(出院900例 , 死亡4例) , 澳门特别行政区45例(出院39例) , 台湾地区438例(出院334例 , 死亡6例) 。
来源:国家卫生健康委员会官方网站 ***
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