走上伦敦街头,向歧视说不!这是留英女孩的“一次疫情,两种战斗”( 七 )
I think we have every reason to hope that the world will become a safer place in which people are treated equally, as humans and not a virus.
我认为我们有充分的理由希望世界成为一个更安全的地方 , 在这里人人平等——作为人类 , 而非病毒 。
And another thing that makes me very optimistic is to see how the coronavirus pandemic is forcing the governments to rethink their priorities and realize that economies are there to work for people, and not the other way around. In the UK, new hospitals are being created to care for the sick, heartless immigration laws are being relaxed, and posh hotels are being commandeered to house the homeless.
另外让我感到乐观的 , 是看到新冠病毒疫情迫使政府重新思考他们的优先级 , 意识到经济发展服务于人 , 而非反过来 。 英国正在修建新的医院收治感染者 , 放宽冰冷的移民法 , 征用豪华酒店来接纳无家可归的人 。
I’ve never felt a stronger bond with the world or a greater appreciation of the work that nurses, food workers, doctors, cleaners, rubbish collectors and so on perform for all of us. We often take their work for granted, and now they should be given the dignity and wages they deserve. British National Health Service has been facing shortages of clothing and equipment to keep its staff safe, and I have donated money to a fund to support its staff and other essential workers. I have also signed up to be a volunteer to help 1.5 million people in the UK who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of the underlying health conditions.
此刻我与世界的联结比任何时候都更强 , 抱有比以往更强烈的感激之情 , 面对护士、食品行业从业者、医生、清洁工、废品回收人员等工作者的付出 。 我们常把他们的工作视为理所应当 , 但他们应该得到应有的尊严和薪酬 。 英国卫生部缺乏让工作人员免受病毒侵袭的防护服和设备 , 我向基金会捐款支援卫生部工作人员 。 同时我也在做志愿者 , 帮助英国150万有基础疾病的人做好个人防疫 。
Many Chinese students in London and elsewhere in the UK decided it was the best choice for them to return home, and that is a decision l respect. I also really appreciate that my parents and friends respect my decision to stay here and trust my ability to protect myself. I and tens of thousands of oversea students are doing that with the help of Chinese embassies and consulates around the world that are distributing packs to Chinese students studying abroad. These packs contain masks, Chinese medicine, disinfectant and even a quote from an ancient Chinese poem about being far from home and love from the motherland.
许多在伦敦和英国其他地方的中国留学生认为回国是最好的选择 。 我尊重他们的决定 。 我也非常感激我的父母和朋友尊重我留在这里的决定 , 他们相信我有能力保护好自己 。 我和数万中国留学生 , 有世界各处的中国使领馆做坚强后盾 , 他们向留学生分发健康包 。 里面有口罩、中药、消毒剂、甚至还有一句古诗 , 描写游子远行思念故土 。
It may take some time to conquer the COVID-19 pandemic, but whenever that day comes I do hope that one lesson many people can learn from it is that regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or any other social or personal characteristics, we all have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Thank you.
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