Apple 设备的无线网卡为啥都不支持 40MHz 工作模式

谁说都不支持?Airport Extreme 明明就有 Wide Channel 选项。最新款的 Mac 都支持。 40MHz 只在 802.11n/5GHz 频段才有。2.4GHz 频段干扰本来就多,再开 40MHz 得不偿失,而且会干扰临近频段设备,所以苹果禁了 2.4GHz 频段的 40MHz 。iOS 设备现在只支持 2.4GHz,所以不支持 40MHz。但新款的 Mac 都是支持 5GHz 的,所以有 40MHz。
iOS and OS X: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points2.4 GHz channel widthSet to\t20 MHzDescription\tChannel width controls how large a "pipe" is available to transfer data. However, larger channels are more subject to interference and more prone to interfere with other devices. A 40 MHz channel is sometimes referred to as a wide channel, with 20 MHz channels referred to as narrow channels.More details\tUse 20 MHz channels in the 2.4 GHz band. Using 40 MHz channels in the 2.4 GHz band can cause performance and reliability issues with your network, especially in the presence of other Wi-Fi networks and other 2.4 GHz devices. 40 MHz channels may also cause interference and issues with other devices that use this band, such as Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, neighboring Wi-Fi networks, and so on. Note that not all routers support 40 MHz channels, especially in the 2.4 GHz band. If they are not supported, the router will use 20 MHz channels.这里解释的很清楚啊
40M 工作模式只是在11n 中存在,是为了增加带宽。由于2.4G 的频道比5G少很多,所以一般情况2.4G 只是用到20M,很多AP 都默认设置在20M。
