超级宝妈|「新时代文明实践」第86期亲子故事会 英文绘本《The very hungry caterpillar》成功举办
8月15日上午 , 牟平区图书馆尼山书院第86期亲子故事会成功举办 。 图书馆儿童阅读推广人志愿者安东尼老师给小朋友们带来了英文绘本《The very hungry caterpillar》绘本 , 本期亲子故事会共分为两个环节!
In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.
月光下 , 一颗小虫卵躺在树叶上 。
Do you see the egg?
It's here, on the left side of the book.
它在这里 , 书页的左边 。
Looks like a little white dot.
看起来像个小白点 。
And on the right side, we can see a huge moon looking at the little egg.
在书的左边 , 有个大大的月亮正在看着小虫卵 。
On Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and-POP! out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.
星期天早晨 , 暖暖的太阳升起来了 。 啪的一声 , 虫卵里钻出来一只又小又饿的毛毛虫 。
Look, the little caterpillar is creeping toward to sun.
看 , 小毛毛虫正往太阳的方向爬去 。
It's a green caterpillar with a red face.
这是一只绿色红脸的毛毛虫 。
The sun is smiling at it, too.
太阳也在冲着小毛毛虫微笑 。
Let's say good morning to the hopeful world, little caterpillar.
小毛毛虫 , 我们一起向这个充满希望的世界说声早安吧 。
He started to look for some food.
他开始找吃的了 。
On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.
星期一 , 他吃穿了一个苹果 , 但他还是很饿 。
Do you like apples?
Idon't think so.
我想你不喜欢苹果 。
You always take a bite at the apple and spit it out.
你总是咬一口苹果就吐出来 。
It is so hard to chew on, isn't it?
Ithink you will like it after you can chew it.
我想等你能嚼苹果后你会喜欢它的 。
Look at the hole in the apple, the little caterpillar must like apple very much.
看苹果上那个洞 , 小毛毛虫一定很喜欢吃苹果 。
On Tuesday, he ate through two pears.But he was still hungry.
星期二 , 他啃穿了两个梨子 , 但是他还是很饿 。
The apple is red and the pears are green.
苹果是红色的 , 梨子是绿色的 。
Iknow you don't like pears, either.
我知道你也不喜欢梨子 。
Because it is as hard as the apple.
因为它和苹果一样硬 。
But it tastes sweet. I think you will like it later.
但它吃起来甜甜的 , 我觉得你以后会喜欢的 。
On Wednesday, he ate through three plums.But he was still hungry.
星期三 , 它咬穿了三个李子 , 但是它还是觉得很饿 。
How many plums are there on this page?
Let's count them together.
我们一起来数一数吧 。
One, two, three. There are three plums.
一 , 二 , 三 。 一共有三个李子 。
What color are they?
Let's learn a new color today.
今天我们学一种新颜色 。
They are purple.
它们是紫色的 。
On Thursday, he ate through four strawberries. But he was still hungry.
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