加班费英文缩写。外企office常用英语表达?( 六 )

案例2:I refuseto work overtime during the weekend.
我拒绝在周末时加班 。
英文里加班叫 work overtime 。如同事邀请一起吃晚餐, 可以回答, "Sorry, I have to work overtime." 就是告诉他, 很抱歉, 我今晚要加班 。
另外,除了‘加班’可以叫 overtime, 加班费也可以叫 overtime.
Q5:加班费 英文好象是penalities?"penalty"是罚款 .加班费是"overtime (pay)"
Q6:“加班、换班”怎么说?1. work overtime( 可简称OT)
Working overtime may cause sudden deaths.加班容易导致猝死 。
2. overtime work 加班(extra work则不是很恰当,因为额外工作不一定意味着加班,而加班也不一定意味着有额外工作
Overtime work is to get their work done in time.他们加班是为了及时完成工作 。
3. overtime pay 加班费,也可以直接用overtime,overtime既有副词用法,也可以作名词,表示“加班时间、加班费” 。
have heavy/light workloads 工作量大/小
overload sb with sth 让某人负担过重
increase workloads 增加工作量
That boss overloads the staff with heavy workloads.那个老板让他的员工工作繁重
1. day shift 白班
night shift 夜班
Are you on day shift or night shift?你是上白班还是晚班啊?
2. work overnight 通宵工作、加夜班
work in shifts 轮班工作
We work in shifts around the clock.我们昼夜倒班 。
3. take one’s shift 请人代班
Cover one’s shift代班
Would you please take my shift today because I have some emergency?
1. clock in 打卡上班
英文释义:to record the time you arrive at work on a special machine:
Clocking-in time is 9:00 a.m.上班打卡时间是9点 。
What time did you clock in this morning?你今天早上几点大打卡的?
2. clock out 打卡下班
I'm not going to clock out at 5 if I have a customer who needs some help.
1. ask for leave
2. take one day off
I’m going to ask for leave owing to my illness.
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