加班费英文缩写。外企office常用英语表达?( 四 )

cost (n 。)本义为“成本”、“原价” 。
常常用来表示对已取得的货物或劳务所支付的费用 。
如:the cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars 。看一场电影要花七美元 。
at last i bought the film rights of a novel at a moderate cost 。
最终我以适中的价格买下了把小说改编成电影的版权 。
fare (n 。)票价,指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用 。
如:all fares, please. (公共汽车售票员用语)请买票 。
a single fare is 170 dollars 。单程票价为170美元 。
fee (n 。)酬金,医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等 。
如:my lawyer's hourly fee is 130 dollars. 我的律师的佣金是每小时130美元 。
does your school charge school fees?你们学校收费吗?
freight (n 。)运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用 。
如:who will pay the freight on this order? 谁支付这批定货的运费?
railway freight 铁路运价
postage (n 。)指邮费 。
如:how much postage do i need to send this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?
price1, postage included 。包括邮资在内,价款1英镑 。
the postage will be extra. 邮资另付 。
rent (n. )土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费 。
如:the student owed three months’rent for my house 。那学生欠我三个月的房租 。
rent assistance 。租金援助 。
i have rented a house and paid the rent 。我已租了房子, 并交了租金 。
tip (n 。)小费 。
如:i gave my barber a fat tip. 我给理发师优厚的小费 。
did you tip the waiter? 你给那侍者小费没有?
i tipped the porter 50p 。我给了搬运工人50便士小费 。
toll (n 。)道路、桥梁、港口、市场的捐税、通行费及电话费等 。
如:this month i had to pay 200 yuan toll call 。这个月我要缴200元的电话费 。
a man collected tolls at the gateway 。一个人在大门口收通行费 。
tuition (n 。)学费 。
如:john took out a loan to pay his tuition 。约翰贷款交付学费 。
emily's yearly tuition is rmb7000. emily一年的学费是7000人民币 。
关于金钱的英文阅读:数钱使人更快乐We all know money buys luxuries like sports cars and Manolo Blahniks, necessities like groceries, and intangibles like preferential treatment. Now there is evidence that just counting money can produce valuable psychological benefits. According to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science, thumbing through your cash can reduce emotional and physical pain as well as increase feelings of internal strength, fearlessness and confidence.
众所周知,钱可以买到跑车和莫诺罗?布拉尼克斯牌女鞋这样 的奢侈品,也可以买到食品等必需品,以及优惠待遇一类的无形资 产 。现在,有充分证据表明,数钱对心理有裨益 。根据发表在《心理科 学》杂志上的一项新研究,数钱能减少心理和生理疼痛,也能增加内 在动力、无畏感和信心 。
Focusing on the symbolic power of money, the study’s authors, Xinyue Zhou of Sun Yat-Sen University, Kathleen Vohs of the University of Minnesota and Roy Baumeister of Florida State University, started with a simple hypothesis: reminders of money can alter how people experience social interactions-especially social acceptance and rejection.
此项研究的发起人——中山大学的周欣悦,明尼苏达大学的凯瑟琳佛贺斯及佛罗里达州立大学的罗伊?鲍迈斯特,集中研究了 金钱的象征性力量,他们从一个简单的假设开始:想到钱,能改变人 们在社会交往一尤其是社会认可和排斥中的感受 。
To test the idea,the researchers took the following approach: 84 students at a university were divided into two groups. One group counted 80 large-denomination bills; the other group parceled out 80 pieces of plain paper. All participants then played an online video game in which, using game controls, they could throw a ball and play catch with other Internet players. But the game was rigged so that after 10 throws, half the students would no longer get the ball thrown to them, while the rest of the students continued to play catch. When the game ended, participants who had been excluded from the second round of catch rated their level of social distress and how strong they felt. Those who had counted money before being socially excluded reported lower levels of social distress than those who had counted only paper. Additionally, the participants who had counted money also reported greater feelings of inner strength and self-sufficiency.
为验证这一想法,研究者采取了下列方法:将84个大学生分为 两组 。一组点数80张大面额纸币,另一组分发80张普通的纸 。然后所 有参与者玩一个在线视频游戏,他们使用游戏控制器,可以跟其他 网络玩家一起投球和接球 。但研究者操纵了这个游戏,10次投球后, 一半学生无法再接到传给他们的球,而剩下的学生则继续传球 。游 戏结束时,在第二轮传球中出局的学生评价了他们的社交窘迫程度 及感觉有多么沮丧 。受到社交排斥后,那些之前数钱的人报告的社 交窘迫程度,较那些仅仅数纸片的人要低一些 。此外,数钱的参与者 也报告称内在动力和自我满足的感觉更强 。
