
In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attack a small state in the north.
春秋时代,齐桓公出征攻打北方一个小国 。
They went in spring when green grass covered the ground.
去的时候是春天,遍地绿草茵茵 。
But when they came back it was winter.Everywhere was white with snow and the wind was howling.The troops lost their way.
回来的时候是冬天,白雪茫茫,狂风怒吼,于是齐桓公的队伍迷失了方向 。
While everybody was worrying, Guan Zhong, the duke's chief minister, suggested: 'An old horse may know the way.'
找不到回去的路,大家都很着急 。这时,齐桓公的宰相管仲说:“可以利用老马的经验 。”
So the duke ordered several old horse to be selected to lead the army. Finally, they found the way back home.
于是齐桓公派人挑选了几匹老马在前面引路,果然走出了迷谷,找到了回去的道路 。
This idiom refers to the value of experience.
“老马识途”这个成语用来比喻有经验的人,熟悉情况,办事效果好 。


【成语老马识途的故事?成语老马识途的故事】英文中“老马识途”可以用“If you wish good advice, consult an old man”来表达,就是“如果你想要得到好的意见,就去询问一位老人吧”,颇有“姜还是老的辣”的意味哦~
