科特迪瓦|【西非漫谈】科特迪瓦的文化和历史( 三 )

2.搭建一个学术、文化交流平台。通过定期举办“西非论坛”等国际性学术会议、中非友谊·学术文化交流月,推广文化资源 3D 平台海外落地展项目、中国-西非国际产学研合作项目,中心将致力于搭建集学术、人文、科技等多领域的中非交流和合作平台,提高我国高校、企业在非影响力,提升文化软实力。
3.建立一个西非研究智库。中心将结合成员单位的学科优势、研究特色, 加强与加纳“伊曼尼政策教育中心”(全球智库排名 113)、“统计、社会和经济研究院”(全球智库排名 164)等西非智库组织合作, 加强联合研究, 发布、承接研究课题,为我国政府及西非国家提供政策咨询,并发展成为具有一定影响力的西非智库研究中心。
中心网址:http://cwas.uestc. edu.cn/ indexZh. html
Center for West African Studies
The Center for West African Studies of University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China is established through the platform of Ministry ofEducation of People’s Republic of China and resources of our partnership andalumni in West Africa.
The establishment of Center for West African Studies is in line withChinese National Philosophy and Social Sciences “Going Global” Strategy withthe need to improvetheimage of UESTC in West African countries; toenhance China’s influence in West Africa; to strengthenChina-Africacollaborations and to serve as a bridge for researchers and practitioners fromChina, West Africa and beyond to identify and meet the needs of West Africandevelopment.
Our mission and goals:
1. Serve as a training base for international students at UESTC which willpromote cooperation and exchanges between West African universities and UESTCin aspects such as talents training, laboratory building and studentinternship, training and exchanges.
2. Build a high-level international platform of academic & cultureexchanges, promote research work to enhance understanding in African affairsand Chinese culture in West Africa by encouraging cultural exchanges with WestAfrican universities and institutes.
3. Foster collaborative research efforts to carry out high qualitypolicy-relevant and development-oriented research and disseminate the resultsto help policy makers in West Africa, aiming to become a top rating Think Tankthat will support West African development socially and economically.
Website address: http://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/indexEn.html
科特迪瓦|【西非漫谈】科特迪瓦的文化和历史】Wechat official account No.: gh_bfde9ecc926a (Account Name:电子科技大学西非研究中心)
