「译文分享」颞下颌关节与腘绳肌之间的联系,骨盆如何影响面部( 四 )
我们可以观察下图中的体操运动员 , 可以观察到她存在骨盆前倾的问题 , 胸腔后倾 , 头前倾 , 下背部压力较大 , 股后肌群被过度拉长 , 下颌过紧 。
Chevalier G,Sinatra S, et al. Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity—amajor factor in cardiovascular disease. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb;19(2): 102–110.
Chevalier G,Sinatra S. Emotional stress, heart rate variability, grounding, and improvedautonomic tone: clinical applications. Integrative Medicine. June/July 2011;10(3).Chevalier G, Sinatra S, et al. Earthing: health implications of reconnectingthe human body to the Earth’s surface electrons. J Environ PublicHealth. 2012;2012:291541.
Chevalier G, MoriK, Oschman JL. The effect of earthing (grounding) on human physiology. Eur BiolBioelectromagn 2007;1:600–621.
Chevalier G.Changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, perfusion index,skin conductance and their variability induced during and after grounding humansubjects for forty minutes. J Altern Complement Med. 2010;16:81–87.Ober AC. Grounding the human body to earth reduces chronic in?ammation and related chronic pain. ESD Journal 2003;July Issue.Online document at: www.esdjournal.com/ articles/cober/earth.htm Accessed March17, 2011.
Ober AC. Groundingthe human body to neutralize bioelectrical stress from static electricity andEMFs. ESD Journal 2000;January Issue. Online document at: www.esdjournal.com/articles/cober/ground.htm Accessed March 17, 2011.
Ober AC, CoghillRW. Does grounding the human body to earth reduce chronic in?ammationand related chronic pain? [presentation]. European BioelectromagneticsAssociation Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, November 12, 2003.????
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