以客户为中心,宝马以数字化提升客户体验( 二 )
当客户遇到紧急状况 , 可通过车机 , 售后热线和BMW云端互联APP等多个呼叫渠道发起救援请求 。 BMW道路救援团队将7*24小时为客户带来安心守护 , 全面保障客户的人身和车辆安全 。
When customers encounter emergencies, they can issue rescue requests through multiple channels using the car's infotainment system and after-sales hotlines. BMW road rescue teams will provide 24/7 services to ensure the safety of customers and vehicles.
BMW道路救援实时监控平台能够在呼叫接听的第一时间准确掌握事故车辆的位置 , 在线指导客户排除部分故障 , 如遇紧急状况还可以通过强大的团队支持 , 帮助车主完成交警、保险公司、拖车和救护车的远程呼叫 , 为客户的生命财产安全提供强大保障 。
The BMW road rescue real-time monitoring platform can locate vehicles encountering problems and guide customers to eliminate some faults. In the case ofemergencies, it can also help customers make calls to the traffic police,insurance companies, trailers and ambulances.
从用车价值、服务便捷到出行关爱 , BMW客户服务与支持始终关注客户核心诉求 , 并通过不断革新线上线下的多领域数字化科技应用 , 致力于提升客户全流程用车体验 , 最终实现客户满意度的突破 。
From Value, Convenience to Care, BMW Customer Support always focusing on customers'core requirements. Through continuous innovation of multifield digital technology applications online and offline, BMW is committed to improving the whole process of customer car experience, and ultimately achieve a breakthrough in customer satisfaction.
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