
真正的想维护好品牌 , 售后服务是非常关键的一环 , 好的售后会大大增加客户的回购度 , 并且可以培养客户的忠诚度 , 它即是销售的结尾 , 也可以是新一轮销售的开端 。
豪华车品牌BMW更是明白这个道理 , 在今年9月将BMW售后服务部门正式更名为BMW客户服务与支持 , 进一步彰显“以客户为中心”的理念 , 完善客户用车服务体验 , 用高品质的贴心服务提升客户满意度 。
更名后的BMW客户服务与支持部门 , 将以不断升级的数字化科技优化服务 , 带给客户最优质的品牌服务体验 , 让BMW售后服务成为未来汽车行业的客户体验标杆 , 成为家喻户晓的服务品牌 。
The renamed BMW Customer Support will continuously optimize its services through upgraded digital technology, provide customers with the best brand service experience, and make BMW's after-sales services the future customer experience benchmark in the automobile industry and a well-known service brand.
【以客户为中心,宝马以数字化提升客户体验】BMW客户服务与支持将不断创新客户服务 , 加快数字发展进程 , 让更多的消费者了解和体验以“服务质量”为基石 , 以“价值、便捷、关爱”为核心的卓越服务 。
BMW Customer Support will constantly innovate its customer services, accelerate digital development process and let more consumers know and experience its customer-oriented services which take “service quality” as the cornerstone and “value,convenience and care” as the core.
在相继推出BMW云端互联APP、BMW客户服务中心微信公众号、BMW天猫/京东官方旗舰店等数字化解决方案后 , BMW于今年10月初正式推出My BMW App , 进一步完善数字化服务方式 , 打造“社交化的品牌体验” , 强化客户与品牌的情感链接 。
In addition to the digital solutions launched before, including BMW official WeChat account, BMW Tmall and JD flagship stores, the brand launched My BMW App last month, aiming to create a "social brand experience" and strengthen the emotional link between customers and the brand.
同时 , BMW基于对中国客户需求的洞察和理解 , 从客户视角出发 , 打造全新“BMW网络领创项目” , 通过充分利用数字化管理平台和BMW悦服务小程序 , 领创经销店可与客户持续沟通 , 让客户每一次品牌接触都能拥有卓越体验 。
Meanwhile, based on Chinese customers' experiences, the carmaker launched the all-new BMW Network Transformation Project, which utilizes a digital management platform and the BMW Joy Service mini program to allow dealers involved in the project to strengthen communication with customers and improve customer experiences.
为满足客户对于方便快捷的服务需求 , 缩短客户等待时间 , BMW推出“58分钟机油保养服务” 。 客户可通过BMW云端互联APP , 客户服务与支持热线 , 客户服务中心微信公众号等途径提前预约 。
To provide convenient and fast services and shorten waiting time for customers, the BMW dealership offers a 58-minute vehicle "health check". Customers can use digital platforms such as the BMW Connected App, BMW Customer Support Hotline and BMW Service Center WeChat account to make appointments.
