
因应对疫情不力 , 美国总统特朗普和国务卿蓬佩奥正遭遇美国国内日渐升级的口诛笔伐 。且这口诛笔伐的力度 , 还真不小 。比如 , 最近 , 特朗普和蓬佩奥分别被比作两种动物……#1.关键词: "Ostrich" & "Attack dog"当地时间12日 , 美国参议院少数党领袖查克·舒默在接受CNN采访时 , 将特朗普比作一只“鸵鸟”——“特朗普总统在整个(疫情)危机中就像一只鸵鸟 。 他认为很多事情只要说了就会成真——这当然不是因为这件事情本来就会发生 , 而仅仅是他自己希望成真 。 所以他说新冠病毒是个骗局 , 他说病毒很快就会消失 , 他说病毒在天气变暖后就会消失 。 两个多月前 , 他还说美国人只要谁想检测谁就能得到检测 , 这显然并没有实现 。 ”U.S. President Donald Trump has been playing ostrich in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday during an interview with the CNN."President Trump has been like an ostrich in this whole crisis. He thinks by saying something, it becomes true because he wants it to happen, not that it will happen. So he said it was hoax, he said it will go away soon, he said warm weather. Two months ago, he said everyone who wants a test can get a test. That clearly wasn""""t true," the New York Democrat said on CNN""""s New Day.舒默表示 , 与讲真话的福奇博士相比——“特朗普总统不喜欢真话 , 他喜欢听那些可以让他的自尊心得到大大的满足的话 。 而这已经给整个国家带来了严重的后果 。 ”While being asked to compare Trump""""s response to the pandemic to that of the renowned U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, Schumer said "Dr. Fauci is a truth-teller" while Trump does not like the truth."The president does not like the truth. He likes a story that helps his own ego on the day he tells it. And that has had severe consequences for this country. "为什么将特朗普比作“鸵鸟”?↓最近,特朗普和蓬佩奥分别被比作两种动物……
小科普:“鸵鸟”常被用来比喻“逃避现实的人”或“不敢直面问题的人” 。 据传 , 鸵鸟被逼得走投无路时会把头藏进沙堆里 , 看不见危险就认为自己没有危险 。 类似用法还有“鸵鸟心态”、“鸵鸟政策”等 , 与中文里的“掩耳盗铃”有异曲同工之妙 。To describe someone as an "ostrich" is to say that one ignores obvious matters and pretends they don""""t exist. This expression has been derived from the supposed habit of ostriches who stick their head in the sand rather than facing danger.例句:"President Trump has been like an ostrich in this whole crisis."“特朗普总统在整个(疫情)危机中就像一只鸵鸟 。 ”最近,特朗普和蓬佩奥分别被比作两种动物……
就在特朗普被比作“鸵鸟”的前两天 , 专注报道时政新闻的美国《国会山报》在头版发表题为《蓬佩奥充当特朗普在中国和新冠议题上的攻击犬》的报道 。报道一开头就直言不讳地指出 , 美国国务卿蓬佩奥如今已成为特朗普政府攻击中国的头号“喷子” , 不顾美国其他官员的不同意见和盟国的反对 , 炮制“新冠病毒责任在中国”等相关阴谋论 。Just two days before Trump was described as an "ostrich," American political newspaper The Hill published an article titled "Pompeo is Trump attack dog on China, COVID-19.""Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has positioned himself as the Trump administration""""s most aggressive China critic," the article said, adding that Pompeo has been pushing the argument that China holds responsibility for the coronavirus pandemic despite mixed messages from other U.S. officials and pushback from allies.
