『消费者』外企头条丨新冠疫情流行,如何影响全球消费者?( 三 )

Consumers are willing to help organizations support their employees


71%的受访者依然会通过各种方式来支持各类企业的运营 , 比如主动选择快递自提(50%) , 又如通过电话或线上来完成各类服务(44%) 。
【『消费者』外企头条丨新冠疫情流行,如何影响全球消费者?】71% will find ways to continue to patronize businesses, such as opting for delivery and pick up (50%) or through holding appointments by phone or online (44%).
34%的受访者表示依然会购买当下不能使用的产品或服务 , 例如礼品卡(19%) , 或继续为各种会员资格和服务付费(17%) 。
34% will purchase or pay for things they can’t currently use, like gift cards (19%), and continue paying for memberships and services (17%).
即便在疫情传播逐渐得到控制 , 经济和社会逐步复苏的背景下 , 消费者仍然保持谨慎
Consumers plan to be cautious, even when the spread of the virus subsides – with substantial implications for economic and social recovery
95%的消费者希望企业能够通过采取卫生保障和扩大社交距离的方式来保证他们的健康 。
95% of consumers want companies to implement physical protection and distancing measures to help keep them healthy.
65%的消费者正在计划推迟购物和出行 , 还有52%的受访者表示他们仍将继续保持疫情期间改变了的购买行为 。
65% are currently postponing purchases and travel, and 52% intend changes to their buying behaviors to continue.
34%的消费者计划延后与人生有关的重大决定 , 26%的受访者还表示他们将在疫情结束之后 , 更加严肃认真地对待重要的人生决定 。
34% are postponing major life decisions, and 26% will take planning for major life decisions more seriously after the pandemic.
27%的消费者正在比平时更积极地参与储蓄 , 同时有26%的受访者计划在未来加大储蓄的力度 。
27% are currently saving more than they normally do, and 26% plan to save more in the future than normal.
新冠疫情改变了人们的价值观 。同时 , 人们还希望疫情期间的相关福利政策能够在疫情之后得到延续
The pandemic has changed what people value, and they want new benefits and policies to endure
经过长达数月的抗疫生活、以及认识到疫情对于经济社会的影响之后 , 大部分中国消费者表示疫情改变了他们对于世界(87%)和对于作为雇主的企业(83%)的看法 。
After several months of battling the virus and its economic effects, a majority of Chinese are reporting the pandemic has changed how they view: The world (87%) The country (86%) Companies as employers (83%).
68%的受访者表示疫情改变了他们对于过往重视的商品和服务的看法 。这种现象在中国(86%)和意大利(73%)的消费者中更加显著 。
68% report the pandemic has changed the products and services they once thought were important, a phenomenon even more widespread in China (86%) and Italy (73%).
63%的员工希望企业在疫情期间设立的相关福利能够持续 。该比例在中国受访者中达84% 。
63% of employees want new benefits offered during the pandemic to be made permanent. More than four of every five Chinese who work for someone else (84%) want those new benefits made permanent.
