全球同此疫情 , 消费者的行为不仅在当下发生了改变 , 而且还将在疫情过后的相当长一段时间内继续保持这样的变化 。
福莱国际TRUE全球智慧中心近日发布了一份题为《新冠疫情思维:疫情流行期是如何影响全球消费者》的全新报告 。
FleishmanHillard’s TRUE Global Intelligence practice released the results from its six-country study, COVID-19 Mindset: How Pandemic Times Are Shaping Global Consumers, unveiling how the virus is reshaping our perceptions, behaviors, values and societies.
福莱国际TRUE全球智慧中心于2020年3月30日至4月3日期间 , 针对来自中国、德国、意大利、韩国、英国和美国六个国家的6566名18岁以上的成年人 , 进行了有关新冠疫情影响的网络调研 。
TRUE Global Intelligence, the in-house research practice of FleishmanHillard, fielded an online survey of 6,566 adults 18 and older in China, Germany, Italy, South Korea , the United Kingdom and United States from March 30-April 3, 2020.
福莱国际TRUE全球智慧中心高级合伙人、全球董事总经理娜塔莎·肯尼迪表示 , “疫情已经重塑了人们对于心中真正重要事物的看法 。”
“This crisis has clarified what really matters to individuals,” said Natasha Kennedy, senior partner and global managing director of FleishmanHillard’s TRUE Global Intelligence practice.
消费者的行为不仅在当下发生了改变 , 而且还将在疫情过后的相当长一段时间内继续保持这样的变化 。
Consumer behavior has changed, and for many, those changes will persist past the pandemic.
在清晰地认识到危机所带来的消费者期望改变的前提下 , 各类组织能够相应作出传播决策 , 对员工、客户和社区进行有意义的沟通 。
With a clear understanding of how the crisis has changed our expectations and beliefs, organizations can make decisions and communicate relevantly and meaningfully among employees, customers and communities.
此次调查研究展现了各国受访者在身处疫情不同阶段之中的态度和期望的异同 。
The simultaneous surveys provide a snapshot of various stages and expectations of the crisis,
受访者的构成中包括了对于疫情影响有更直接认知的人群 , 如健康卫生从业者、面临疾病风险的人群、以及在成年工作者中占比达到65%的各行业一线工作者 。
voiced by a cross-section of the population including healthcare workers, people at medical risk and those considered essential workers (65% of working adults), all of whom seem to feel the impact more acutely.
虽然这些国家处于疫情的不同阶段 , 但该研究依然阐明了一些具有普遍性的结论 。
While these countries are at various stages of the pandemic, the study illuminated some common experiences,
福莱国际也将根据人们态度和行为的变化 , 在未来的研究中继续跟踪 。该报告的主要调查结论包括:
which the agency will continue to track in subsequent studies as attitudes and behaviors shift over time. These include:
Consumers are most confident in their governments, least confident in their employers
相较其它类型的组织 , 各国中央政府的表现都受到了本国消费者最高比例的好评 。其中 , 高达79%的中国消费者认为中国政府的表现是“极好的”或“可圈可点的” 。
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