『消费者』外企头条丨新冠疫情流行,如何影响全球消费者?( 四 )

71%的受访者希望政府在疫情期间设立的积极政策能够持续 , 该比例的分布为:中国(89%)、美国(69%)、疫情期间公认的一线工作者(76%)以及健康卫生从业人员(77%) 。
71% want some of the positive government policies created during the crisis to be made permanent, including: 69% of Americans; 89% of Chinese; 77% of global millennials; 76% of workers deemed essential during the pandemic; and 77% of healthcare workers.
21%的通常需要在固定办公地点工作的受访者(该比例在美国为26%)表示希望能够拥有在家办公的选择权 。
21% of people (26% in the U.S.) who would normally need to be at their place of business to do their job now expect to have the option of working from home.
26%的员工表示 , 他们将会在下一份工作的求职过程中更加看重企业对员工的关怀支持 。他们还表示将不会对疫情期间对员工有不当行为的企业保持好感和忠诚 。该比例在中国受访者中达到32% 。
26% of employees (32% in Chinese) say they will be looking for another job with an employer that supports its employees, will no longer be loyal to their employer because of their actions during the pandemic, or will look into how an organization treated its employees when considering new employers.
Nearly everyone has felt the impact
98%的受访者表示已经在未来规划和购物方面产生了新的变化 , 或已经推迟、取消了原本的相关安排 。此外 , 有90%的消费者表示将在疫情结束之后继续保持这样的改变 。
98% have undertaken some new practice or postponed or canceled plans or purchases, and 90% report enduring changes in expectations and behaviors after the pandemic ends.
78%的消费者表示疫情促使他们更加关注个人健康 , 同时还有74%的受访者表示更加关心自身的财务状况 。
78% are concerned for their health, and 74% are concerned for their financial situation.
18%的受访者表示身边有家庭成员或朋友的健康状况受到了新冠疫情的影响 , 其中还有5%的受访者表示身边的亲友中出现了受新冠疫情影响的致死案例 。
18% have a family member or friend whose health has been impacted by COVID-19, including 5% whose family member or friend died of the disease.
在中国和意大利 , 有大约三分之一的受访者表示身边有亲友的健康状况受到了疫情的影响 。
In China and Italy, one-third (31% and 33%, respectively) have a family member or friend whose health has been impacted by the virus.
福莱国际新冠疫情行动组主席、大中华区总裁兼高级合伙人曹蔚明提出 ,“随着中国先于其他国家进入到早期复苏的阶段 , 我们看到的是一种使命感和决心 , 以及对于个人责任的强烈认知 。我们还看到工作场所在恢复运作的同时 , 仍然能够满足保持健康距离的要求 。”
“What we have seen so far as cities in China begin their early stages of recovery, is a sense of purpose and determination, and a recognition of personal responsibility,” said Rachel Catanach, chair of FleishmanHillard’s COVID-19 Taskforce and president and senior partner for Greater China. “Workplaces are arranged to maintain healthy distances while still enabling operations to resume. ”
尽管企业对于员工和客户的健康安全仍有或多或少的顾虑 , 却仍然能够在甚至可能遭遇反复的情况下 , 保持对于疫情好转的期望 。
Employers can acknowledge concerns about the health and safety of their employees and customers, but still create an expectation of progress, even if there may be occasional setbacks.
