『消费者』外企头条丨新冠疫情流行,如何影响全球消费者?( 二 )
Across markets, national government receives the best ratingfor its performance compared to other institutions, but while 79% of Chinese consumers rate their national government “excellent” or “great,”
而在其它国家消费者中的比例则是美国(34%)、英国(50%)、韩国(43%)、意大利(39%)和德国(37%) 。
Their counterparts in the U.S. (34%), U.K. (50%), Korea (43%), Italy (39%) and Germany (37%) all give their national governments much lower ratings.
大型企业的表现同样受到了高达66%中国消费者的好评 , 而这个比例在美国和韩国消费者中只占28% , 在德国消费者中则低至17% 。
Major corporations are also receiving higher satisfaction in China (66%), but ratings range from a high of 28% (U.S. and Korea) to a low of 17% (Germany) across the other markets.
受访者在为更长远的未来做规划 , 并不期望能迅速回归到“正常”生活之中
Individuals are planning for the long-term and aren’t planning to snap back to “normal” life
对于需要通过等待多长时间才能回归到“正常”生活的回答因国家而异:中国消费者的平均期望最短 , 为9周 , 仍有33%的中国消费者认为还需等待9周至两年的时间才能恢复正常的生活秩序;
A return to “normal” life varies by country, with the average individual in China believing it’s as few as nine weeks away, though one-third (33%) believe it will take between 9 weeks to two years.
其它国家消费者的平均期望则更长——美国为15周、韩国和德国为17周 , 而英国和意大利则长达22周 。
Individuals in other countries believe it will take longer: 15 weeks on average in the U.S.; 17 weeks in South Korea and Germany; and 22 weeks in the U.K. and Italy.
依然有超过五分之一的受访者认为生活正常化还需等待长达五个月至两年的时间 。
More than one in five believe it will take between five months to two years to return to normal.
尽管大部分受访者能够理解企业在疫情期间进行裁员和强制安排休假 , 仍有高达89%的受访者希望 , 企业能够以更加慷慨和更具创造力的方式减轻疫情对于员工的负面影响 。
While most understand there will be layoffs and furloughs, 89% expect employers to be generous and creative in mitigating the impact on workers.
91%的受访者希望公司能够采取行动保障员工的健康 , 其中包括了提供保护性的设备和洗手液、设置更多的休息时间、以及通过在办公空间和公司运营中进行调整以保障足够的健康距离 。
91% expect companies to take steps to help workers stay healthy – providing them with protective equipment and hand sanitizer, making sure they have breaks to wash their hands and making physical changes to space and operations to allow social distancing, among other steps.
78%的中国受访者表示能够理解企业在疫情期间进行裁员和休假的安排 。该比例在美国最高 , 达到86%;而在韩国 , 只有59%的受访者表示理解 。
78% of Chinese understand that some companies will need to furlough and lay off workers, a majority that holds across these countries (59% in Korea, the lowest, and 86% in the U.S., the highest.
52%的受访者认为当前各个公司对于员工的关怀是“非常重要的” 。
52% describe employers taking better care of their employees as “very important” right now.
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