华裔女孩靠它夺得8所藤校青睐!这项孩子受益终身的思维能力,究竟如何培养?( 二 )

在我们的家中 , cast(抛掷)和cash(兑现、现金)没有任何不同 , 这也是我曾在一个教堂退修会上遭到人们的取笑——就因为我说了“cashing out demons.”(本应为“casting out demons” , 除魔)在这之前我从没意识到这“两种英语”之间的差别 , 直到我的老师也纠正了我对hammock、ladle、和siphon的发音 。 同学们嘲笑我 , 因为我将accept读成了except , 将success读成了sussess 。 尽管我曾参加了创意写作课 , 但在我仍然常常词不达意 。

Suddenly, understanding flower is flour wasn’t enough. I rejected the English that had never seemed broken before, a language that had raised me and taught me everything I knew. Everybody else’s parents spoke with accents smarting of Ph.D.s and university teaching positions. So why couldn’t mine?

突然之间 , 我开始明白了只知道flower和flour的发音相同并不够 。 我开始逐渐对“英语”产生了抗拒——这种伴着我长大的、曾经教会了我一切的语言 。 其他人的父母都能说一口像博士和大学教授一样听上去漂亮而流利的英语 , 为什么我的父母就不能呢?

My mother spread her sunbaked hands and said, “This is where I came from,” spinning a tale with the English she had taught herself.

我的母亲摊开她那双晒得黝黑的双手说:“我就是从这儿来的” 。 她用自学的英语给我讲了一个故事 。

When my mother moved from her village to a town in Malaysia, she had to learn a brand new language in middle school: English. In a time when humiliation was encouraged, my mother was defenseless against the cruel words spewing from the teacher, who criticized her paper in front of the class. When she began to cry, the class president stood up and said, “That’s enough.”

当我的妈妈从她居住的马来西亚村庄刚搬到一个城镇后 , 她不得不从初中开始学习一门全新的语言:英语 。 那时很多人喜欢以羞辱别人为乐 。 她的老师曾当着全班的面 , 用尖酸刻薄的话语嘲笑她的作文 , 彼时她无力反抗 。 而当她开始哭泣时 , 她们班上的班长突然站起来说“够了” 。

“Be like that class president,” my mother said with tears in her eyes. The class president took her under her wing and patiently mended my mother’s strands of language. “She stood up for the weak and used her words to fight back.”

“要做像那个班长一样的人 。 ”当我妈妈说到这时 , 她的眼里噙满了泪水 。 那个班长不仅用自己的方式保护了她 , 之后还耐心地帮助她提高语言 。 “她不仅为弱者站了起来 , 并用自己的语言进行着反击 。 ”

We were both crying now. My mother asked me to teach her proper English so old white ladies at Target wouldn’t laugh at her pronunciation. It has not been easy. There is a measure of guilt when I sew her letters together. Long vowels, double consonants — I am still learning myself. Sometimes I let the brokenness slide to spare her pride but perhaps I have hurt her more to spare mine.

我们都哭了起来 。 我的妈妈要我教她标准的英语 , 这样塔吉特百货里的白人老太太就不会再嘲笑她的发音了 。 这并不容易 。 当我讲她的这些话拼缀在一起时 , 我仍会产生一种歉疚感 。 长元音、双辅音——其实这些我自己也仍然在学习中 。 有时候我避免让自己的一些只言片语伤害她的自尊心 , 但或许我可能已经在不经意时伤到了她 。
