[中译英]内外交困 奥迪股份在华都做了什么?( 四 )


过去的一年 , 作为全球最大的单一市场 , 同样也是在总体市场增长乏力、细分市场竞争加剧、总部不断传出负面消息的不利环境下 , 一汽-大众奥迪在中国市场为奥迪在全球的销量贡献率高达36.58% 。 但是 , 这种情形能否持久?2019年开年 , 中国高档车市场也许正在做出一种不利于奥迪的回答 。

In the past year, as the largest single market in the world, FAW-Volkswagen Audi has contributed 36.58% to Audi's global sales in Chinese market under the unfavorable circumstances of weak overall market growth, intensified market competition in subdivision and continuous negative news from headquarters. However, how long will this last? In the year of 2019, maybe China’s luxury car market is marking a negative response to Audi.  
