[中译英]内外交困 奥迪股份在华都做了什么?

内外交困 奥迪股份在华都做了什么?

With internal and external stresses, what efforts has audi made in China?

如此巨大的反差 , 让人有足够的理由质疑“中国的奥迪” , 与“全球的奥迪”是不是同一个奥迪?或者说 , 我们在全球市场看到的是不是一个“假奥迪”?


Abstract: such a huge contrast between the operating conditions of "audi in China" and "audi worldwide" , which leads people to a reasonable doubt: "Are they the same audi? Or is what we are seeing in the global market a 'fake one'?"
