[中译英]内外交困 奥迪股份在华都做了什么?( 三 )
营业收入下滑;营业利润下降;销售回报率下滑……这就是日前发布的奥迪汽车股份公司年度财报给人留下的至深印象 。
Operating revenues declined; operating profits declined; return on sales declined... This is the deepest impression of the annual report recently released by Audi AG left on us.
与之截然相反 , 在中国市场 , 奥迪已然领跑高档车市场30年 , 早期更是一度独占这一市场 , 是实实在在的高档车第一品牌 。 如此巨大的反差 , 让人有足够的理由质疑“中国的奥迪” , 与“全球的奥迪”是不是同一个奥迪?或者说 , 我们在全球市场看到的是不是一个“假奥迪”?
On the contrary, Audi has been dominating Chinese luxury car market for three decades. In the early stage, it once monopolized the market and truly won the first place of luxury car brand. such a huge contrast between the operating conditions of "audi in China" and "audi worldwide" , which leads people to a reasonable doubt: "Are they the same audi? Or is what we are seeing in the global market a 'fake one'?"
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