好问题. The Association of Symbolic Logic在2000年的时候也问过同样的问题并且举办了一个panel discussion. 当时讨论的结果记录在https://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/0205003.pdf
The annual meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic held in Urbana-Champaign, June 2000, included a panel discussion on ``The Prospects for Mathematical Logic in the Twenty-First Century\u0026#39;\u0026#39;. The panel discussions included independent presentations by the four panel members, followed by approximately one hour of lively discussion with members of the audiences. The present article consists of reports by the four panel members, at times expanding on their panel presentations. As in the panel discussion, the presentations are divided into four subareas of logic. The topics are ordered as in the panel discussion: R.~Shore discusses recursion theory in section~2; S.~Buss discusses proof theory and computer science logic in section~3; A.~Pillay discusses model theory in section~4; and A.~Kechris discusses set theory in section~5.与此同时, Shelah在2002年写过一篇The Future of Set Theory, https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0211397.pdf. 其中大部分问题和方向到现在仍然是主流.
Math向如逻辑四论:集合论、 递归论、模型论、证明论,可能比较接近“数学学科”。
Philosophy向如各种modal logic, deontic logic, epistemic logic。。。其实一些哲学系的人也做Math向的东西,故在此合并。
Journal of Symbolic LogicBulletin of Symbolic LogicReview of Symbolic LogicJournal of Mathematical LogicAnnals of Pure and Applied Logic Journal of Logic and ComputationStudia LogicaSynthese2.CS向
CS和逻辑相关的有很多,且互相交集可能甚少。也许可参考综合性期刊ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 和综合性会议LICS (IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science)
人工智能: 可参考Handbook of Knowledge Representation, 以及IJCAI,AAAI,KR上逻辑相关的文章 (PS:有些Philosophy向的也发IJCAI/AAAI)形式化方法(如模型检测、形式语言与自动机、定理证明):CAV, IJCAR, CADE, TACAS, FM, CONCUR, ...程序语言理论(程序逻辑、类型系统等等): POPL, ICFP, PLDI, ...数据库理论: PODS。。。话题实在太广了不好推荐。。
【逻辑学中有哪些可以研究的问题】 再具体一点
“形式化方法”里面和“一阶理论自动定理证明“相关的,可参考回答 https://www.zhihu.com/question/313312583/answer/617313467
看Handbook of Knowledge Representation
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