windows8.1 64位 caffe运行出错 0xc000007b?
这是win8.1自己的问题,你用dependency walker扫描caffe.exe,你会发现一大堆.dll文件缺失,有一些是可以安装的如MinGW里面的libgfortran-3.dll等,但是像“API-MS-WIN-CORE-SHUTDOWN-L1-1-1.DLL”和“EXT-MS-WIN-NTUSER-UICONTEXT-EXT-L1-1-0.DLL”连微软都没有提供下载,网上基本是找不到这个文件,虽然前面一个dll我在一个网站上勉强找到了,但觉得不靠谱就没有装;后面那个文件是真·找不到0.0(调完一堆bug还给我搞出这些东西来,不想用caffe-windows了= =)
1. 一下内容摘自: ext-ms-win-ntuser-uicontext-ext-l1-1-0.dll error, how to fix
Are you looking for the file ext-ms-win-ntuser-uicontext-ext-l1-1-0.dll ?
It seems this file might have been included in some early version of Win 8, but is no longer included in updated Win 8, or Win 8.1 and later.
Some users report this issue solved after installing / repairing "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio" relevant to the error message that you get. If you are unsure, please contact support.
"Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio" are available at (If using a 64bit (x64) version of Windows, install both vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe versions).
【windows8.1 64位 caffe运行出错 0xc000007b?】 PLEASE NOTE! Dependency walker reporting these files as missing, does not necessarily mean that replacing these files will help your issue.
Are you maybe having an error for "0xc000007b" ?
This most likely means you have placed a 32bit dll-file where a 64bit dll-file should be, or the reverse.On a 64bit version of Windows, 64bit dll-files belong in \\Windows\\System32\\ .32bit dll-files belongs in \\Windows\\SysWOW64\\ .Counterintuitive, but this is how it is.
Have you recently placed a dll-file in one of these folders? Make sure it is the correct folder for that file.
Read more about 0xc000007b at Support page
查一下是不是使用的DLL版本不对,比如32弄成64位了,使用dependency walker看一下。
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