值得你细品的小句子 , 现实有感而发 , 让人感慨万千
"读书不是为了成绩 , 而是为了找到落脚点" 。
"Reading is not for achievement, but for finding a foothold"
一个成熟的人不会质疑过去 , 一个明智的人不会质疑现在 , 一个思想开放的人不会质疑未来 。
A mature person will not question the past, a wise person will not question the present, and an open-minded person will not question the future
请再悄悄地加点油 , 无论如何请跟我说说 , 我终于是个能不负众望的人了 。
Please add more oil quietly Anyway, please tell me about it I am finally a person who can live up to expectations
超越一切 , 人们意识到 , 损失比拥有更有力 。
Beyond everything, people realize that loss is more powerful than possession
收到的交付物 。什么是交付?我一厢情愿的想法 。
Deliverables received What is delivery? My wishful thinking
【意味深长,值得人仔细体会琢磨的句子-话语耐人寻味值得-】最好的朋友是越适应越好的人 , 但他们的关系却像以前一样好 。
Best friends are people who get used to it better, but their relationship is as good as before
最昂贵的÷变得更便宜 , 最小的努力x变得很大 。
The most expensive becomes cheaper, and the smallest effort X becomes bigger
冷是一个词 , 而且你只说一次 , 这将被解析为鼻涕 。
Cold is a word, and if you only say it once, it will be interpreted as snot
你最了解我 , 在你面前 , 我可以不假思索地做真实的自己 。
You know me best In front of you, I can be my true self without thinking
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