
今天的渴望来自于过去的爱情,今天的悲伤来自于过去的欢笑,今天的告别来自于过去的阴影,在拼命摆脱困境的同时,心也被爱情的世界所陶醉 。当你从梦中醒来时,你已经远去,没有你的踪迹 。
Today's longing comes from the love of the past, today's sadness comes from the laughter of the past, and today's farewell comes from the shadow of the past While trying hard to get out of trouble, my heart is intoxicated by the world of love When you wake up from your dream, you are far away, and there is no trace of you


在世界的尽头,我们必须说再见 。
At the end of the world, we must say goodbye
我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是因为在你面前的我是谁 。
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am in front of you

我们经常扮演判断和定罪他人的角色,并宣告自己无罪 。
We often play the role of judging and convicting others and declare ourselves innocent
生活是为了它自己而活 。为了得到你想要的东西,你必须真正努力工作 。
Life is to live for itself In order to get what you want, you must work really hard

造一条船,载着我渴望的心,划向远方的你,用我温柔的吻,松开你眉头的皱纹,赶走你心中的忧伤 。
Build a boat, carry my longing heart, row to you in the distance, loosen the wrinkles of your brow with my gentle kiss, and drive away the sadness in your heart
与其对已经过去的岁月叹息,不如看看正在流逝的时间 。
Instead of sighing for the years that have passed, it is better to look at the passing time
