冲走、冲垮 wash away
冲走你 swept away by you
打扫,冲走 sweep
被水冲走 washed away
冲刷;冲蚀;冲走 washou
冲走,卷走,扫除 sweeaway
冲走的英文短句:Debris washed along by the flood
Carried forward by the welter of surging bodies被滔滔流水冲走.
Paint that removes with water.能用水冲走的油漆
Worse still, the annual torrential rains washed the topsoil from the hillside.更糟的是,每年都有暴雨把浮土从山坡上冲走 。
The flood displaced the houses from their cornerstone.洪水将房屋从地基上冲走 。
冲走 - 翻译wash away词典:wash away; sweep; carry away; wash off例句:The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck.当地人认为水可以冲走坏东西,带来好运 。
【冲走的英文短语翻译?冲走的英语短语_2】The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck. 当地人认为水可以冲走坏东西,带来好运 。
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