叶夹角尤其是剑叶夹角(flag leaf angle, FLA)对水稻产量影响较大,是植物理想株型的重要组成要素之一 。最近,华中农业大学邢永忠团队利用来自世界各地的水稻核心种质资源阐明了剑叶夹角的遗传基础,对水稻分子设计育种具有重要意义 。
研究人员利用全基因组关联分析(GWAS)在武汉和海南分别检测到40个和32个控制水稻FLA的QTL,其中8个QTL在这两个环境中均检测到,在籼稻和粳稻亚群中分别检测到2个和3个QTL 。通过单体型水平关联分析证实了控制水稻剑叶夹角的5个候选QTL 。这些结果表明籼稻和粳稻亚群的剑叶夹角具有不同的遗传基础 。在这些候选基因中,OsbHLH153和OsbHLH174能够快速响应BR和IAA激素信号,参与植物株型的调控,而OsbHLH173基因的表达量因太低而无法检测 。这3个基因的过表达均能够增加水稻植株的叶片角度 。结合前期研究结果,研究人员证实bHLH转录因子第16亚家族中的6个成员在调控水稻FLA方面具有功能保守性 。与分蘖角度(tiller angle, TA)的GWAS分析结果比较后发现,仅仅只有一个基因qFLA8f同时对FLA和TA具有调控作用,这解释了FLA和TA遗传基础的高度不一致性 。
通过将具有FLA优势等位基因的籼稻和具有TA优势等位基因的粳稻进行亚种间杂交,将有望成为培育理想株型水稻品种的新方法 。
PLOS Genetics, 04 April 2018
Genome-wide association studies reveal that members of bHLH subfamily 16 share a conserved function in regulating flag leaf angle in rice (Oryza sativa)
Haijiao Dong, Hu Zhao, Shuangle Li, Zhongmin Han, Gang Hu, Chang Liu, Gaiyu Yang, Gongwei Wang, Weibo Xie, Yongzhong Xing
National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan), Huazhong Agricultural University, China.
As a major component of ideal plant architecture, leaf angle especially flag leaf angle (FLA) makes a large contribution to grain yield in rice. We utilized a worldwide germplasm collection to elucidate the genetic basis of FLA that would be helpful for molecular design breeding in rice. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified a total of 40 and 32 QTLs for FLA in Wuhan and Hainan, respectively. Eight QTLs were commonly detected in both conditions. Of these, 2 and 3 QTLs were identified in the indica and japonicasubpopulations, respectively. In addition, the candidates of 5 FLA QTLs were verified by haplotype-level association analysis. These results indicate diverse genetic bases for FLA between the indica and japonica subpopulations. Three candidates, OsbHLH153, OsbHLH173 and OsbHLH174, quickly responded to BR and IAA involved in plant architecture except for OsbHLH173, whose expression level was too low to be detected; their overexpression in plants increased rice leaf angle. Together with previous studies, it was concluded that all 6 members in bHLH subfamily 16 had the conserved function in regulating FLA in rice. A comparison with our previous GWAS for tiller angle (TA) showed only one QTL had pleiotropic effects on FLA and TA, which explained low similarity of the genetic basis between FLA and TA. An ideal plant architecture is expected to be efficiently developed by combining favorable alleles for FLA from indica with favorable alleles for TA fromjaponica by inter-subspecies hybridization.

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