王树椒《鹧鸪天》( 二 )

《闻官军收河南河北》At the News That Honan and Hopei Are Regained
《春夜喜雨》A Blessing Rain on a Spring Night
《鹧鸪天》Partridges in the Sky
《定风波·山村列车》A Hill Hamlet Train—To the Tune of Be Still
《采薇》Vetch We Pick(Excerpt)
《竹石》Bamboo Rooted in the Rock
《临江仙 · 牙痛》Toothache—To the Tune of Riverside Fairy
《琵琶仙 · 海上大风雨》Storm over the Sea—To the Tune of A Fairy Pipa Player
《咏镜》Ode to the Mirror
《石灰吟》Ode to Limestone
《马诗》The Steed
《江城子·妻子昏迷同值守》Attending My Wife While She Was in a Coma
《清平乐》Pure Peace Tune
《十五夜望月》Looking at the Moon at Mid-Autumn Day
《偶成》Composed Accidentally
《江南第一燕》The First Swallow of South Land
《月》The Crescent
《蒲公庵》Lord Pu’s Cottage
《听雨》Listening to the Rain
《无题》 Untitled (No. 1)
《江南春》Spring South of the River
