"So am I," said Jo, "but a kind word always helps."
"You think I'm not kind to him?" he said sharply.
"Too kind, very often," said Jo, a little afraid, "but just a bit quick to be angry with him sometimes."
The old gentleman looked a little ashamed. "You're right, I am. Although I love the boy, I find it hard to be?patient with him sometimes. Bring him down and tell him it's all right. I'm sorry I shook him."
"Why not write him an apology, sir?" said Jo. "He says he won't come down until he's got one."
Mr Laurence gave her another sharp look, but then smiled and put on his glasses. "Here, give me a bit of paper," he said.
劳伦斯先生又尖刻地看了她一眼,可然后就笑了,戴上了他的眼镜。“来,给我张纸。” 他说。
The words were written and Jo kissed the old man's cheek. Then she went upstairs and put the letter under?Laurie's door. But he came out before she was gone.
"Well done, Jo," he said. "Did he shout at you?"
"No, he was quite calm," said Jo. "Now, go and eat your dinner. You'll both feel better after it."
Everyone thought the matter was ended, but although others forgot it, Meg remembered. She never talked?about Laurie's tutor but she thought of him often and dreamed her dreams. And once, when Jo was looking for?something in her sister's desk, she found a bit of paper with "Mrs John Brooke"?written on it over and over again.
"Oh, dear!"?said Jo.
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