作品名:深大寺ガーデン レストランMaruta受賞者:基本構想 田丸雄一、設計 古谷デザイン建築設計事務所 古谷俊一写真クレジット:新建築社写真部
Maruta官网截图Jindaiji Garden is a semi-public-work project of residential land development based on the idea of a client whose occupation is environmental business.The project aims for creating a connection with the community through several activities, which give a new value to the site and build a relationship with the city. Based on the theme of “symbiosis and connection with the surrounding environment” , the project opens and not only pursuing single building’ s value, but also it open to the city as a group of architecture, and spreads the comfortable environment. Challenging for Energy off grid system, using traceable building materials and making edible-garden and so on, these activities has evaluated, the project received Platinum certification of LEED for Homes & SITES. Coolness of the evening place, traditional ventilation system, and the sounds of the temple-bells. The design proceeded on the basis of the image of a living connected to the landscape of the client’ s heart, which is surrounded by greenery. Using material can be re-procured, Necessity of function becomes the design.A sense of unity of these thoughts will become part of the scenery of Jindaiji Kitamachi. And it will spread as a good development cases that foster regional collaboration, through the gathering and workshop activities of the restaurant Maruta.-(3)熊本城特別見学通路
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