考研英语黄皮书|【考研英语】同源文详解254期:数字支付的时代,现金仍有意义( 二 )
VI This is a close cousin of another taste that is equally worth developing: the miserly joy of not buying something that would have made you happy—because it makes you even happier to deny some corporation the chance to relieve you of your money.
Part 2
1. cross wires发生电话线路交扰
2. intriguing [?n?tri?ɡ??] a.引起兴趣的
3. concreteness [?kɑ?nkritn?s] n.实在性
4. frictionless payment 无障碍支付
5. embed [?m?bed] v.把……嵌入
6. prime [pra?m] a.最好的
7. undermine [??nd??ma?n] v.暗中破坏
8. relieve...of...帮助……摆脱……
9. virtual [?v??t?u?l] a.虚拟的
10. tyranny [?t?r?ni] n.暴政
11. covet [?k?v?t] v.觊觎
12. bracing [?bre?s??] a.令人振奋的
miserly [?ma?z?li a.吝啬的
Part 3
I The other day, New York’s city council voted to make it illegal for businesses to refuse payment in cash. The move was mainly intended to benefit people without bank accounts or credit cards. But the rest of us have reason to be grateful, too—because study after study shows we spend more when we pay with a card. Certain wires get crossed in our brains, it seems, and we confuse how easy it is to pay for something with how easily we can afford it.
[翻译] 日前 , 纽约市议会表决认定 , 商家拒绝现金支付的行为不合法 。 此举主要意在惠及那些没有银行账户或信用卡的人 。 但我们其他人也有理由心怀感激——因为一项又一项的研究显示 , 我们在刷卡支付时花费得更多 。 我们的大脑看似发生了线路串扰 , 让我们把付款有多轻松和买得有多轻易混为一谈 。
[点评] 引入话题:使用现金支付时花钱少 。
主要逻辑衔接:段内各句语义层层递进(市议会决议—主要受益者—其他受益者—获益原因) , But体现转折和强调 , 凸显纽约市的新举措对有银行账户的人也颇有好处 。 首句先介绍纽约市议会认定“商家拒收现金支付的行为”非法 , 第二句介绍认定其非法意在使无银行账户的人们受益 , 随后第三、四句转而指出此举对有银行账户的人也有益处 , 并说明原因 。
核心关键词:we spend more when we pay with a card
II Part of the explanation is that credit cards postpone the unpleasantness of actually paying until the bill arrives. But research on debit cards and digital wallets points to the more intriguing phenomenon of psychological distance: cash just feels more immediately real, and losing it feels more painful. Of course, coins and notes are “virtual”, too, in the sense that they only have any value thanks to a web of laws and agreements. But they retain a crucial component of concreteness, demonstrated most clearly by the fact that if you set fire to a £20 note, you really are £20 worse off. It’s much harder to feel so possessive about digital information. And contactless payment? That barely seems more real than simply thinking about making a purchase.
[翻译]部分原因是 , 信用卡将实际付款的不快推迟到账单收到之时 。 但有关借记卡和数字钱包的研究却表明一个更有趣的“心理距离”现象:现金的确令人更感贴近真实 , 而失去现金则令人更感痛惜 。 当然 , 硬币和钞票也是“虚拟”的 , 因为它们的价值仅因一整套错综复杂的法律和协定而存 。 但它们却保有有形实体这一关键要素 , 最明显的表现就是 , 如果你点燃一张20英镑的钞票 , 你就的确会少拥有20英镑 。 对于数字信息就很难有如此强烈的占有感 。 那么无接触支付呢?它看起来几乎不比单纯思考要买什么更真实 。
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