为啥各付各的叫做go dutch

沈师兄:\u0026lt;go Dutch\u0026gt; 可不是AA制,别吃了数学不好的亏简单回答:一般认为,go Dutch是因为荷兰海上贸易发展得早,贸易商人们在港口吃饭,因为流动性很强,所以不流行请客,流行“各付各的”,因此有了go Dutch。
有人说go Dutch是AA制,这个理解不准确。AA制是“平均分摊账单”——英文里没有go AA,可以说split the bill,但它俩和go Dutch“各付各的”可能有很大差别,可以参考上文。
专栏:有聊的词 / 微信公众号:英语学习所
The phrase "going Dutch" probably originates from Dutch etiquette. In the Netherlands, it is not unusual to pay separately when dating. The Dutch were already internationally known as scrooges, and English rivalry with The Netherlands especially during the period of the Anglo-Dutch Wars gave rise to several phrases including Dutch that promote certain negative stereotypes. Examples include Dutch courage, Dutch uncle and Dutch wife. The particular stereotype associated with this usage is the idea of Dutch people as ungregarious and selfish. In Spain, "going Dutch" is attributed to Catalans, due to a stereotype that they are greedy. A stereotypical non-Catalan Spaniard would compete to invite the group. In Italy, the expression pagare alla romana can be translated as: "To pay like people of Rome" or "to pay like they do in Rome". It has the same meaning as "going Dutch". Curiously, in South American countries exist the Spanish phrase pagar a la americana (literally "To pay American style") which refers to a treat attributed to North Americans or Canadians.Last night I had no money, but fortunately we didn\u0026#39;t go Dutch and my friend treated me.- Urban Dictionary: go Dutch
我们荷兰语老师讲的是..在新航路开辟那个时代 荷兰的商船全世界跑啊 每到一个港口就要吃饭是吧 但是假如这顿我请你 以后会不会再遇见都不知道 所以就干脆AA 于是AA就由荷兰人带向了世界人民
英文版微信的群收款对应的就是go dutch,看到之后做了一点微小的搜索。大致有以下两种起源,个人比较认同第二种:
1、起源于dutch door,一种上下完全平分的门,又称split door。如图
为啥各付各的叫做go dutch
【为啥各付各的叫做go dutch】 2、起源英荷战争期间,英国和荷兰为争夺海上霸权,干过很多次战。英文里就有很多通过词汇讽刺荷兰的习语。比如Go Dutch讽刺荷兰人的吝啬,Dutch courage讽刺荷兰人的小胆。话说我们有时候也这么干,比如,香港脚。
