其实这个世界上的感情分为很多种 , 感情带来的伤害也是 。 今天才真正明白到原来这个世界上居然还有一种爱 , 叫爱而不得 , 都是就算这样 , 也不后悔遇见过 。
In fact, there are many kinds of feelings in this world, and the harm caused by feelings is also. Today I really understand that there is a kind of love in the original world, called love but not, even if it is so, I do not regret having met it.
爱而不得 , 就是两个人明明都很喜欢对方 , 但是很可惜的就是 , 两个人又遇见见的缘分 , 却没有在一起的缘分 , 都是对方却是很感谢对方曾经的出现 。
Love and not, that is, two people clearly like each other, but it is a pity that two people meet the fate, but not together fate, is each other is very grateful to each other once appeared.
感情中还有一种爱 , 叫只能相见 , 没有办法走进婚姻的殿堂 , 虽然没有办法做夫妻 , 但却彼此想念了一辈子 。
There is also a kind of love in the relationship, so that we can only see each other, there is no way to enter the palace of marriage, although there is no way to be a husband and wife, but they miss each other for the rest of their lives.
两个真正爱过两个人 , 就算没有办法做成夫妻 , 但是彼此牵挂了对方一生 , 这份没有结果的爱 , 会留在你心里很久 。
Two really love two people, even if there is no way to make a husband and wife, but each other worried about each other for a lifetime, this fruitless love, will stay in your heart for a long time.
【周寒情感|世界上有一种爱叫爱而不得,但无怨无悔】感情中有些相遇只安排了相遇 , 但没有安排相守 , 有些人明明很般配, 但却没有办法携手一生 。
Some of the encounters in the relationship only arranged to meet, but did not arrange to stay with each other, some people clearly very good match, but there is no way to work hand in hand for a lifetime.
在感情里的很多相遇会给彼此带去 , 很多的无奈和伤害 , 但是就算让你很痛苦 , 但你从来不会后悔和她相遇过 。
Many encounters in the relationship will bring each other, a lot of helplessness and injury, but even if it makes you very painful, but you will never regret meeting her.
余生说不定我们没有办法 在 相见 , 其实是否能见面已经没有那么重要了 , 因为你永远在我心里 , 就是没有办法相见 , 我们没办法将对方彻底忘记 , 更舍不得忘记 。
We may not be able to meet for the rest of our lives, in fact, whether we can meet is not that important, because you are always in my heart, that is, there is no way to meet, we can not completely forget each other, let alone forget.
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