美国为什么一直针对中国?专家这么说( 五 )

而这时中国正与巨大的困难抗争 。 要知道 , 中国是第一个遭受疫情的国家 。 而现在 , 你能看到 , 中国面对新冠疫情的表现从一月末起就非常优秀 。This is a situation where China was struggling in great ,great difficulty 。Remember ,China was the first to tackle the question of COVID-19 。Now and you can see that actually ,China‘s performance on COVID-19 ,certainly from late January ,was brilliant 。美国为什么一直针对中国?专家这么说
这些数字是按人均计算的百万人均确诊人数 。 你看中国可能是全世界表现最好的国家 , 虽然它不得不最先面对新冠疫情 。These figures here ,are on the basis per capita ,the number of cases per million people ,look at China ,the strongest ,probably the strongest performance of any country in the world ,even though it had to tackle COVID-19 before anyone else 。而所有那些大批评家 , 美国和其他西方国家 , 包括我的国家英国等等 。 一月时 , 他们攻击中国 , 毫无同情心 。 他们本应该把握住多出来的两个月的时间 , 本可以向中国学习 。 结果看看他们 , 表现得惨不忍睹 。And all those great critics ,the United States and other Western countries ,my own United Kingdom and so on ,who could not stop themselves to (from) attacking China showed no compassion in January ,had those two extra months to deal with it ,could have learned from China 。And look at them ,a miserable performance 。美国为什么一直针对中国?专家这么说
我想说 , 本次疫情或许首先是对治理能力的考验 。 毫无疑问中国已经从根本上通过了这个考验 , 交出了一份出色的答卷 , 而美国 , 在特朗普的领导下 , 很遗憾 , 证明是不称职的 。And I would say this ,in addition ,that the pandemic has been ,perhaps ,above all ,a test of governance 。And without question ,China has come through this fundamentally ,with flying colors 。And the United States has been proven under the Trump leadership ,but I think ,unfortunately ,more generally ,to have been incompetent 。而如今 , 中国正走出疫情 , 创造经济机遇 。And the fact that China is now coming out of the pandemic ,of course ,has created major economic opportunities 。美国为什么一直针对中国?专家这么说
这清单上(国际货币基金组织预测)只有一个国家 , 2020年的国内生产总值会出现正增长 , 就是中国 。There‘s only one country of this list here ,that is going to have positive growth in terms of GDP in 2020 。And that is China 。中国的崛起之路不靠战争我还要说一个方面 。 自从中国1978年开始崛起 , 中国并没有真正参与过任何战争 。 这是中国大崛起、大转型的时期 , 从一无所有到现在与世界上经济最强大的国家平起平坐 。Let me just say something else as well here 。Since China‘s rise started in 1978 ,China has not really been involved in any wars whatsoever 。This is the period of China’s great rise ,great transformation ,from nothing to now being equal with the most powerful country in the world economically 。看看美国的历史 , 或者德国、英国、日本的历史 。 这些国家在崛起时期都参与了很多战争 。 换句话说 , 中国在这一时期的发展过程中是非常克制的 。Now look at American history ,or German history ,or Bri tish history ,or Japanese history ,all of these countries were involved in many wars during the equivalent period of their historical development 。China ,in other words ,has exercised extraordinary restraint during this period of its development 。目前的国际体系无法长期存在我认为目前的国际体系无法长期存在 。 我们生活在一个与此前完全不同的世界 , 一个快速转变的世界 。I don‘t believe the present international system can survive for a long time 。We live in a completely different world ,a rapidly transfer changing world 。1980年 , 世界的经济中心在这里 。In 1980 ,the center of the global economy was here 。
