美国为什么一直针对中国?专家这么说( 四 )

第二点 , 苏联在经济方面从来都不是美国的对手 。 顶多只有美国经济规模的60%左右 , 可能还不到 , 只有大约一半 。My second point is the Soviet Union was never an economic pair or equal of the United States 。At most it had maybe 60% of the size of the American economy ,probably less ,probably more like half 。但中国不是这样的 , 2014年中国按购买力平价方法计算 , 经济规模就已经赶超美国了 。Now ,you cannot say that of China 。China ,already in 2014 as we‘ve seen ,had overtaken the size of the American economy ,measured by primary purchasing power ,GDP 。人们普遍预计在未来几年内 , 也许是五年 , 一部分取决于疫情的影响 , 以国内生产总值的另一个衡量标准 , 也就是以美元为单位来计算 , 中国的经济规模将超过美国 。Now ,it is generally expected that within the next few years ,maybe five years ,depends partly on the impact of the pandemic ,that China will overtake the United States by the other measure of GDP ,which is in dollar terms 。如果我们把时间范围再扩大一点 , 到2030年前后 , 全球经济大概是这样的:And if we extend the time horizon a bit further ,you‘ll see the picture of the global economy by roughly 2030 。美国为什么一直针对中国?专家这么说
这些数字只是预测 , 不是事实 。 但你能从中感受到 , 到2030年 , 中国可以占到全球生产总值的三分之一 。 到那时 , 它的经济规模将达到美国的两倍 。 按照这个标准 , 中国的经济规模要比美国大20% 。Now all these figures are obviously projection so they‘re not facts 。But you’ll see ,it gives you some idea ,that by 2030 China could account for one third of global GDP ,by which time it will be something like twice the size of the American economy ,already by this measure ,by the way ,it is 20% bigger than the American economy 。美国为什么一直针对中国?专家这么说
所以 , 中国经济的崛起十分强大 , 而且根基很深 。 它在许多不同的领域都显示了实力 , 当然也包括科技 。So ,you know ,the rise of China economically is formidable 。And it is deeply embedded 。And it is showing its ability to perform in many different areas ,including ,of course ,technology 。第三点 , 苏联在对美关系中犯了一个根本性的错误 , 那就是军备竞赛 。 它试图在军事上与美国竞争 , 投入了大量资金 , 浪费了许多资源 , 这是一种灾难性的做法 。The third point I would make is that the Soviet Union made a fundamental mistake in its relationship with the United States 。And that was the arms race 。It tried to compete militarily with the United States 。And it spent so much money ,wasted such resources ,a disastrous approach 。中国不会犯这种错误 。 中国不像美国或苏联那样强调军事 。 中国更加重视经济的发展 。China won‘t make that mistake 。China doesn’t emphasize the military in a way that ,for example ,the United States does ,or the Soviet Union did 。China‘s approach is the fundamental importance of the economy 。新“冷战”的结束 , 取决于美国的转变对于“冷战”和美中之间的对立关系 , 我们无法预测这种情况会持续多久 。 但是 , 可以说这种对立关系改变的条件是美国立场的转变 。I think the prospect is that we are looking at this kind of situation we‘ve got now – the “Cold War” and an antagonistic relationship between the United States and China for the foreseeable future 。It’s impossible to predict how long 。But you can say or I would argue that the condition for a change in this antagonism depends on a shift in the American position 。美国坚持认为他们是世界上唯一的主导者 , 但这已经不可能了 。 只有当美国认同必须与中国一道共同实施全球治理的时候 , 这种气氛和关系才会发生变化 。 我认为 , 这是中美关系出现新局面的前提条件 。You see ,the Americans are insisting that they should enjoy sole primacy in the world 。And this is no longer possible 。This atmosphere and relationship will change at the moment when the United States comes to the view that it must share primacy in the world with China ,and that will be the precondition for ,I think ,a new term in the relationship between the United States and China 。西方国家在疫情中对待中国的态度极不光彩西方国家对待中国最不光彩的、最令人沮丧的一幕 , 发生在本次全球新冠疫情中 。And I think one of the most depressing ,in fact ,one of the most disgraceful episodes in western attitudes towards China was to do with the pandemic – COVID-19 。一月 , 中国正在努力弄清楚这次疫情是什么 , 确定病毒、研究应对方法 。 而西方 , 尤其是美国但不只美国 , 我自己的国家英国也有参与 , 无情地攻击中国 , 说中国掩盖秘密、不告诉我们真相、掩盖存活率、比起人民的生命 , 政府和政党更重要等等 , 诸如此类的 。In January ,China was struggling to understand to identify it and to work out how to deal with it 。And the West ,particularly the Americans ,but not only the Americans ,my own country Britain for sure ,attacked ,relentlessly attacked China ,you know ,cover up your secrecy 。You‘re not telling us the truth 。You’re covering up the survival 。The government matters ,the party matters more than the survival of people 。
