微信这事儿,特朗普政府改主意了?(下一个?)( 二 )
A WeChat logo is displayed on a mobile phone as a woman walks past as she talks on her mobile phone at a taxi rank 。/Reuters美国有数百万人使用微信 , 对他们来说 , 微信就是他们与中国的朋友、家人、客户和商业伙伴联系的“生命线” 。For millions of people in the U.S 。who use the Chinese app WeChat ,it‘s a lifeline to friends ,family ,customers and business contacts in China 。“我每天早上首先查看的就是微信” , 居住在华盛顿的美籍华裔沙珠(音译)说 。沙珠2008年离开中国 , 目前在一家中资咨询公司担任公关经理 。 对她来说 , 微信不仅是可以储存人民币的“钱包” , 更重要的是 , 微信里还保存了四年前去世的父亲留下的视频和音频片段 。如今 , 沙珠无法得知是否能取出微信里的钱 , 也不知道该如何处理微信里储存的关于父亲的回忆 。 她把目前承受的压力归咎于政客 , 尤其是特朗普——“我们无法制定计划……我们是被他们操纵的棋子 , 可以放在棋盘上的任何地方 。 ”“It‘s the first thing I check in the morning , ” Sha Zhu ,a Chinese-American in Washington ,says of WeChat 。It’s how she talks to her mother and old friends from China since she left in 2008 ,and how she communicates with her colleagues as a public relations manager for a Chinese-owned consulting company 。It‘s where she stores Chinese currency in her virtual wallet 。Most important ,it‘s where she keeps video and audio clips of her father ,who died four years ago 。She still doesn‘t know if she’ll be able to access her money ,or what she‘ll do with all those stored memories of her father 。“We can’t make a plan , ” she said 。She blamed politicians ,especially Trump ,for her current stress: “We‘re the pawn that they can manipulate to put anywhere on the chess board 。 ”
库尔特·布雷布鲁克(Kurt Braybrook)在上海经商22年 , 于2017年回到美国 , 目前居住在密歇根州 。 他说 , 对他和出生在中国的妻子来说 , 微信是不可替代的 。 如果无法使用微信 , 他大约会失去500个联系人——“如果(美国政府)完全禁用微信 , 我和我妻子的家人、我们所有的朋友以及我22年来建立起的商业关系网就会被彻底抹去 。 ”Kurt Braybrook ,who spent 22 years doing business in Shanghai before moving back to the U.S 。in 2017 ,said the app is irreplaceable for him and his China-born wife 。He could lose roughly 500 WeChat contacts ,few of which he could reach without the app 。“If they banned it entirely ,it will wipe out connections to my wife‘s family ,all our friends and my network of business contacts I built over 22 years , ” said Braybrook ,who now lives in Grand Rapids ,Michigan 。赛斯·沃克曼(Seth Workman)是印第安纳波利斯大学的学生 , 去年他在中国留学时开始使用微信 。 留学期间 , 他曾在一家酒店实习 , 当时就是通过微信和同事们进行联系的 。沃克曼返回美国后 , 开始通过微信群在当地一家中餐馆点餐 , 群里大约有60人 。 “这家的食物真的很棒” , 他说 , “如果微信被禁了 , 我会很难过 。 ”Indianapolis college student Seth Workman was introduced to WeChat last year while studying abroad in China ,where he used it to chat with coworkers at a hotel where he worked 。But when Workman returned to the U.S 。last fall ,he started using it to order six-U.S 。 -dollar lunches from a local Chinese restaurant that took orders from a group chat of about 60 people 。A van would show up on campus with the orders ,typically boxes filled with rice ,vegetables and meat 。“The food is really good , ” says Workman 。“If WeChat was banned ,I would be a little bit upset 。 ”
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