《南华早报》最近的一篇报道称 , 中国的“小姐姐”们正迅速成为消费的推动力 。 随着社会观念的转变 , “小姐姐”们有了更多的金钱和信心消费 。 无论是食品、电视节目、化妆品 , 还是奢侈品、医疗美容、以及互联网 , “小姐姐”们带动了各行业的繁荣发展 。
Girls wearing ancient costumes parade in Yuyuan Garden, East China"s Shanghai, July 3, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]
An army of young women dubbed the “little sisters” is fast becoming a driving force of spending in China, boosting the fortunes of companies selling everything from beer and liquor to streaming TV shows and cosmetics.
一支被称为“小姐姐”的年轻女性力量正迅速成为中国消费的推动力 , 为啤酒、白酒、流媒体电视节目和化妆品等各行业企业带来大量收入 。
They are well-educated, and are delaying or just skipping marriage and motherhood, giving them more money and the confidence to spend. Meanwhile these “little sisters” see themselves reflected in popular TV shows – like the summer hit Sisters Who Make Waves – that encourage them to kick back and splurge on themselves.
她们受过良好的教育 , 推迟或放弃结婚和生儿育女 , 这让她们有了更多的金钱和信心消费 。 与此同时 , 这些“小姐姐”在受欢迎的电视节目中看到了自己的影子 , 例如今年夏季热播的综艺节目《乘风破浪的姐姐》 , 这些节目鼓励她们放松对自己的限制并大方地把钱花在自己身上 。
As such, “little sisters” are an increasingly important segment of China’s female consumers, who among all age groups account for three out of four purchases in the world’s most populated country, according to a report by Frost and Sullivan.
因此 , 美国弗罗斯特-沙利文公司发布的一份报告显示 , “小姐姐”正成为中国女性消费者中日益重要的一个组成部分 , 在这个全球人口最多的国家 , 纵观所有年龄段 , 女性消费者的消费额占全国总消费额的四分之三 。
“The rising power of well-educated city women in their 20s to 40s is now a hit genre in Chinese mainland TV series and entertainment shows,” said Wendy Liu, a Hong Kong-based strategist at UBS Group and author of a new note on what she calls the “little sisters” economy.
瑞银集团驻香港策略师刘鸣镝日前发布报告描述所谓的“小姐姐”经济 。 她说:“20多岁至40多岁的高学历城市女性近期成为中国大陆电视剧和综艺节目的热门题材 。 ”
“Collectively, their rising disposable income and aspirations for the ‘good life’ have had a strong impact on demand for cosmetics, duty-free, health care, and mobile games/internet content. More importantly, the ‘little sister’ economy may impact spending by families and children across the spectrum” of e-commerce and entertainment etc,” she said.
她说:“总体而言 , 她们不断增长的可支配收入和对‘美好生活’的渴望 , 对化妆品、免税商品、医疗(美容)、手游和互联网内容影响重大 。 更为重要的是 , ‘小姐姐’经济可能会影响家庭和儿童消费 , 涉及电商和娱乐等领域的方方面面 。 ”
These “little sisters” will lead to booms in sectors spanning from make-up and athleisure to food, beverages and home appliances, according to UBS and HSBC Holdings.
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