THU生活英语慕课|小说节选 | 《月亮与六便士》

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THU生活英语慕课|小说节选 | 《月亮与六便士》

● 《月亮和六便士》是英国小说家威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆创作的长篇小说 , 成书于1919年 。
作品以法国印象派画家保罗·高更的生平为素材 , 描述了一个原本平凡的伦敦证券经纪人思特里克兰德 , 突然着了艺术的魔 , 抛妻弃子 , 绝弃了旁人看来优裕美满的生活 , 奔赴南太平洋的塔希提岛 , 用圆笔谱写出自己光辉灿烂的生命 , 把生命的价值全部注入绚烂的画布的故事 。
贫穷的纠缠 , 病魔的折磨他毫不在意 , 只是后悔从来没有光顾过他的意识 。 作品表现了天才、个性与物质文明以及现代婚姻、家庭生活之间的矛盾 , 有着广阔的生命视角 , 用散发着消毒水味道的手术刀对皮囊包裹下的人性进行了犀利地解剖 , 混合着看客讪笑的幽默和残忍的目光 。
THU生活英语慕课|小说节选 | 《月亮与六便士》

● Chapter VII 第七章
The season was drawing to its dusty end, and everyone I knew was arranging to go away. Mrs.Strickland was taking her family to the coast of Norfolk, so that the children might have the sea and her husband golf.We said good-bye to one another, and arranged to meet in the autumn.But on my last day in town, coming out of the Stores, I met her with her son and daughter;like myself, she had been making her final purchases before leaving London, and we were both hot and tired.I proposed that we should all go and eat ices in the park.
社交季节 接近它枯燥无味的尾声 , 我认识的每个人都在安排离开伦敦去度假 。 斯特里克兰太太正打算带着她的家人到诺福克海滨度假 , 以便孩子们在海中嬉戏 , 她的丈夫能打打高尔夫 。 我们彼此道别 , 安排在秋季再见 。 可当我在城里的最后一天 , 从商店里出来时 , 碰上了她和她的两个孩子 。 跟我一样 , 在离开伦敦之前 , 再最后买些东西 。 我们几个人又热又累 , 我提议我们一块儿走 , 到公园里吃点冷饮 。
I think Mrs. Strickland was glad to show me her children, and she accepted my invitation with alacrity.They were even more attractive than their photographs had suggested, and she was right to be proud of them.I was young enough for them not to feel shy, and they chattered merrily about one thing and another.They were extraordinarily nice, healthy young children.It was very agreeable under the trees.
我觉得斯特里克兰太太很高兴让我看看她的孩子们 , 于是她欣然接受了邀请 。 这两个孩子比起照片里样子更引人注目 , 她有理由以他们为傲 , 我的年纪也很轻 , 不会让他们感到和我在一起不好意思 , 他们开心地聊了一件事又聊起另一件事 。 两个孩子都特别可爱 , 健康活泼 。 我们在树荫下小憩 , 感到十分惬意 。
When in an hour they crowded into a cab to go home, I strolled idly to my club. I was perhaps a little lonely, and it was with a touch ofenvy that I thought of the pleasant family life of which I had had a glimpse.They seemed devoted to one another.They had little private jokes of their own which, unintelligibleto the outsider, amused them enormously.Perhaps Charles Strickland was dull judged by a standard that demanded above all things verbal scintillation;but his intelligence was adequate to his surroundings, and that is a passport, not only to reasonable success, but still more to happiness.Mrs.Strickland was a charming woman, and she loved him.I pictured their lives, troubled by no untowardadventure, honest, decent, and, by reason of those two upstanding, pleasant children, so obviously destined to carry on the normal traditions of their race and station, not without significance.They would grow old insensibly;they would see their son and daughter come to years of reason, marry in due course-the one a pretty girl, future mother of healthy children;the other a handsome, manly fellow, obviously a soldier;and at last, prosperous in their dignified retirement, beloved by their descendants, after a happy, not unuseful life, in the fullness of their age they would sink into the grave.
