
旅游推动着经济发展 , 新冠肺炎疫情让旅游业内人士开始重新思考其风险管理策略 。请看艾玛迪斯撰写的文章《智慧机场引领旅行“后疫情”时代》 。
全球旅游业在疫情之后如何复苏?这一议题在现行局势下仍存在许多未知 。但可喜的是 , 中国旅游市场已逐渐显露曙光 。
How the global travel industry will recover from the current situation is unclear.However, we are witnessing some early signs of recovery in China.
中国端午假期期间 , 文化和旅游部数据显示 , 全国共接待国内游客逾4880.9万人次 , 同比恢复50.9% , 传递出行业一个回暖的积极讯号 。
The Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism released the latest travel figures from last week’s Dragon Boat Festival holiday, 48.8 million people traveled around the country, acquating to 50.9 percent of last year’s travelers.
重创之外 , 此次疫情也让旅游业内人士开始重新思考其风险管理策略 。
We are seeing industry players rethink how they should be managing unforeseeable risks.
从机场这一侧面来看 , 疫情期间 , 越来越多的运营商选择采取技术手段来确保旅客无缝、卫生、安全的机场体验 。
For airports in the region specifically, during this period, we saw operators increasingly look to technology to ensure a hygienic and frictionless passenger experience.

比如香港机场就通过引入消杀机器人清洁公共区域来积极防疫 。
For example, Hong Kong International Airport deployed several self-driving robots to clean public areas as part of its measures to protect against the spread of the COVID-19.
长期来看 , 巧借技术也有望助力机场进一步满足旅客需要 , 增加非航空类收入 。
In the long term, the utilization of technology is crucial for airports with regards to meeting the needs of passengers and driving non-aeronautical revenues.
Automation to streamline the passenger journey
为适应不断变化的客流并减少非必要性接触 , 不少机场对航站楼内外的旅客接触点均施行“自动式”管理 。
To adapt to changing passenger flows,  airports are implementing automation across all touch points in and around the terminal.

自助行李托运便是个中案例 , 作为自动式值机流程的一部分 , 自助托运可让旅客快捷、高效地独立办理相关手续 。如自助托运解决方案就在此前进驻了包括上海虹桥和上海浦东在内的两大国内机场 。
Automated bag drop units currently located in two Chinese Airports including Shanghai Hongqiao and Pudong, are one way airports can streamline the process of check-in, allowing a fast and efficient way for travelers to check-in luggage, independently.
从疫后长期来看 , 自助方案有望提升机场效率 , 节省旅客时间 , 旅客有望在登机前拥有更多的时间放松身心 , 甚至多逛逛机场内的零售店并进行餐饮消费 , 机场将更具体验性于一身 。
